University of Maryland Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics
Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics

Microwave and Chaos Effects on Electronics
(MURI 2001)
Start Date: May 1, 2001

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The Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) 2001 at the University of Maryland is a 3-5 year research program administered by AFOSR. The participating units at the university are the Institute for Electronics and Applied Physics, the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the Department of Physics, and the Department of Mechanical Engineering. There is also a subcontract to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Boise State University.

MURI Objectives

  • To study on a basic level the physical mechanisms whereby HPM pulses can upset or damage modern integrated circuits.
  • To develop models and methodology enabling HPM resistant component, circuit and system design.

IREAP HomepageMURI-2001 Homepage

Webpage maintained by Dorothea F. Brosius
Created 5/23/00 by DFB
Modified 06/30/06 by DFB