University of Maryland Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics
Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics

Microwave and Chaos Effects on Electronics
(MURI 2001)
Start Date: May 1, 2001

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Presentations for the First Annual Review for MURI
"The Effects of RF Pulses on Electronic Circuits and Systems",
Administered by AFOSR,
June 8, 2002

Presentations by the consortium led by UIC will be posted on the website

IREAP HomepageMURI-2001 Homepage

Webpage maintained by Dorothea F. Brosius
Created 06/13/01 by DFB
Modified 05/28/04 by DFB MURI Objectives PI and Co-PI's Team of Investigators MURI Objectives PI and Co-PI's Team of Investigators MURI Publications, Journals Scientific/Technological Approaches Presentations for MURI Kickoff Meeting