Presentations for the Fourth Annual Review for MURI
"The Effects of RF Pulses on Electronic Circuits and Systems",
Administered by AFOSR,
October 23, 2004
Overview of Research Progress, Victor Granatstein
- Statistical Properties of Wave Chaotic Scattering and Impedance Matrices, Tom Antonsen, Ed Ott, Steve Anlage, Xing Zheng, Sameer Hemmady, and James Hart
- Universal Field, Impedance, and S-Matrix Statistics of Metallic Enclosures, Sameer Hemmady, X. Zheng, E. Ott, T. M. Antonsen, and Steven M. Anlage
- EM Noise Mitigation in Circuit Boards and Cavities, Omar M. Ramahi, Neil Goldsman, John Rodgers, Fad Seydou, Xin Wu, Lin Li, Baharak Mohajeriravani, and Shahrooz Shahparnia
- Schottky Diode and MOSFET RF-Detector and Focused Ion Beam Post-Processing, Woochul Jeon, Robert Newcomb, Todd Firestone, John Rodgers, and John Melngailis
- Experimental Investigation of Microwave Vulnerabilities in CMOS Inverters, Agis A. Iliadis and Kyechong Kim
- EM Effects on Semiconductor Devices, Gates and Integrated Circuit Interconnects, Neil Goldsman
- Studies of Upset and Nonlinear Effects in Circuits and Systems, John Rodgers, Todd Firestone, Victor Granatstein, Thomas Antonsen, Ed Ott, Steve Anlage, Renato Mariz de Moraes, Vassili Demergis, Alexander Glasser, and Marshal Miller
- RF and Circuit Integrity in Digital Systems, Bruce Jacob
- Gate Oxide Degradation, R. Jacob Baker and Bill Knowlton
- Highlights and Research Plans, Victor Granatstein
Presentations by the consortium led by UIC will be posted on the website www.ece.uic.edu/MURI-RF.
IREAP Homepage MURI-2001 Homepage
Webpage maintained by Dorothea F. Brosius
Created 11/07/04 by DFB