University of Maryland Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics
Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics

Microwave and Chaos Effects on Electronics
(MURI 2001)
Start Date: May 1, 2001

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MURI Supported Publications in Refereed Journals

  1. T. M. Firestone, J. Rodgers, and V. L. Granatstein, "Investigation of the Radio Frequency Characteristics of CMOS Electrostatic Discharge Protection Devices."

  2. Xing Zheng, Sameer Hemmady, Thomas M. Antonsen, Jr., Steven M. Anlage, and Edward Ott, "Characterization of Fluctuations of Impedance and Scattering Matrices in Wave Chaotic Scattering," Phys. Rev. E 73, 046208 (2006).

  3. Xing Zheng, Thomas M. Antonsen, Jr., and Edward Ott, "Statistics of Impedance and Scattering Matrices in Chaotic Microwave Cavities: Single Channel Case," Electromagnetics J. 26 [1], 3-35 (2006).

  4. Xing Zheng, Thomas M. Antonsen, Jr., and Edward Ott, "Statistics of Impedance and Scattering Matrices in Chaotic Microwave Cavities with Multiple Ports," Electromagnetics J. 26, 37-55 (2006).

  5. Sameer Hemmady, James Hart, Xing Zheng, Thomas M. Antonsen Jr., Edward Ott, and Steven M. Anlage, "Experimental Test of Universal Conductance Fluctuations by Means of Wave-Chaotic Microwave Cavities," June 26, 2006. PDF

  6. S. Hemmady, X. Zheng, T. M. Antonsen Jr., E. Ott, and S. M. Anlage, "Aspects of the Scattering and Impedance Properties of Chaotic Microwave Cavities," Acta Physica Polonica A 109 [1], 65 (2006).

  7. Sameer Hemmady, Xing Zheng, James Hart, Thomas M. Antonsen Jr., Edward Ott, and Steven M. Anlage, "Universal Properties of 2-Port Scattering, Impedance and Admittance Matrices of Wave Chaotic Systems," July 10, 2006.

  8. S. Rodriguez and B. Jacob, "Energy/Power Breakdown of Pipelined Nanometer Caches (90nm/65nm/45nm/32nm)," ISLPED, October 2006.

  9. H. Wang, S. Rodriguez, C. Dirik, and B. Jacob, "Electromagnetic Interference and Digital Circuits: An Initial Study of Clock Networks," Electromagnetics J. 26 [1], 73-86 (2006).

  10. Agis Iliadis and Kyechong Kim, "Effects of Microwave Interference on MOSFETs, Inverters, and Timer Circuits" (2006).

  11. Sameer Hemmady, Xing Zheng, Thomas M. Antonsen, Jr., Edward Ott, and Steven M. Anlage, "Universal Statistics of the Scattering Coefficient of Chaotic Microwave Cavities," Phys. Rev. E 71, 056215 (2005).

  12. Sameer Hemmady, Xing Zheng, Edward Ott, Thomas M. Antonsen, and Steven M. Anlage, "Universal Impedance Fluctuations in Wave Chaotic Systems," Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 014102 (2005).

  13. H. Wang, S. Rodriguez, C. Dirik, A. Gole, V. Chang, and B. Jacob, "TERPS: The Embedded Reliable Processing System," ASP-DAC, January 2005.

  14. Thomas M. Antonsen, Xing Zheng, Edward Ott, Sameer Hemmady, and Steven Anlage, "Statistical Model for Scattering Matrices of Open Cavities," URSI EMTS 2004, 825.

  15. H. Wang, C. Dirik, S. Rodriguez, A. Gole, and B. Jacob, "Radio Frequency Effects on the Clock Networks of Digital Circuits," EMC 93-96, August 2004.

  16. Kyechong Kim, Agis A. Iliadis, and Victor L. Granatstein, "Effects of Microwave Interference on the Operational Parameters of n-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET Devices in CMOS Integrated Circuits," Solid-State Electronics 48 [10-11], 1795-1799 (2004).

  17. Omar M. Ramahi, Vijaya Chebolu, and Xin Wu, "The Concurrent Complementary Operators Method Applied to Two-Dimensional Time-Harmonic Radiation and Scattering Problems," IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, 52 [2], 408 (2004).

  18. S. Shahparnia and O. M. Ramahi, "Simultaneous Switching Noise Mitigation in PCB Using Cascaded High-Impedance Surfaces," Electronics Lett. 40 [2], (2004).

  19. Renato Mariz de Moraes and Steven M. Anlage, "Effects of UHF Stimulus and Negative Feedback on Nonlinear Circuits," IEEE Trans. Circuits Systems-1, Regular Papers, April 2004.

  20. Omar M. Ramahi, Vinay Subramanian, and Bruce Archambeault, "A Simple Finite-Difference Frequency-Domain (FDFD) Algorithm for Analysis of Switching Noise in Printed Circuit Boards and Packages," IEEE Trans. Advanced Packaging 26 [2], 191 (2003).

  21. Telesphor Kamgaing and Omar M. Ramahi, "A Novel Power Plane with Integrated Simultaneous Switching Noise Mitigation Capability Using High Impedance Surface," IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Lett. 13 [1], 21 (2003).

  22. Renato Mariz de Moraes and Steven M. Anlage, "Unified Model and Reverse Recovery Nonlinearities of the Driven Diode Resonator," Phys. Rev. E 68, 026201 (2003).

  23. Lin Li, Jingsong Xie, Omar M. Ramahi, Michael Pecht, and Bruce Donham, "Airborne Operation of Portable Electronic Devices," IEEE Antenna's and Propagation Magazine, 44 [4], 30 (2002).

Masters of Science Dissertation

  1. Todd M. Firestone, "RF Induced Nonlinear Effects in High-Speed Electronics" (Masters of Science dissertation, May 2004).

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