Presentations for the Third Annual Review for MURI
"The Effects of RF Pulses on Electronic Circuits and Systems",
Administered by AFOSR,
November 14, 2003
Overview of Research Progress, Victor Granatstein
- Statistical Properties of Wave Chaotic Scattering Matrices, Tom Antonsen, Ed Ott, Steve Anlage, Xing Zheng, and Sameer Hemmady
- Properties of Complicated Enclosures (Wave Chaos Experiments), Steven M. Anlage, Thomas Antonsen, Edward Ott, Sameer Hemmady, and Xing Zheng
- EM Noise Mitigation in Electronic Circuit Boards and Enclosures, Omar M. Ramahi, Xin Wu, Lin Li, Baharak Mohajeriravani, Shahrooz Shahparnia, Neil Goldsman, and Xi Shao
- EM Effects on Semiconductor Devices, Gates and IC Interconnects, Neil Goldsman
- Degradation in 3.2 nm Gate Oxides: Effects on Inverter Performance and MOSFET Characteristics, Bill Knowlton (BSU) and Jake Baker (BSU)
- Microwave Interference Vulnerabilities of Devices in Integrated Circuits, Agis A. Iliadis, Kyechong Kim, L. Liu, and X. Wen
- Evaluating the Vulnerabilities of Digital Systems, Prof. Bruce Jacob
- Inducing Chaos in the p/n Junction, Renato Mariz de Moraes, Marshal Miller, Alex Glasser, Anand Banerjee, Ed Ott, Tom Antonsen, and Steven M. Anlage
- RF Transient and Nonlinear Effects in High Speed Circuits, John Rodgers, Todd M. Firestone, and V. L. Granatstein
- Schottky Diode RF Detector and Focused Ion Beam Post-Processing, Woochul Jeon, John Melngailis, Todd Firestone, and John Rodgers
- Summary of Presentations by University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP) and Boise State University (BSU), Victor Granatstein
Presentations by the consortium led by UIC will be posted on the website
IREAP Homepage MURI-2001 Homepage
Webpage maintained by Dorothea F. Brosius
Created 11/18/03 by DFB
Modified 01/29/04 by DFB