University of Maryland College Park, MD • May 20-21, 2019
(Location: The Hotel at the University of Maryland)
Co-chairs: Howard Milchberg (Univ. of Maryland) and Earl Scime (West Virginia Univ.)

Workshop agenda: First day (Room - Salon FG)
All sessions will be in Salon FG unless otherwise indicated.
The workshop will be video-streamed, with remote participation available during moderated discussions.

May 20: Science



8:30 Welcome (Howard Milchberg and Earl Scime)
8:40 Remarks from the Dean of the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences (Amitabh Varshney) and the Chair of the Department of Physics (Steve Rolston)
8:45 Workshop Goals and Deliverables (Denise Caldwell, Slava Lukin (NSF))

Science Overview Talks (talk 15 min + 15 min moderated discussion with panel of topic group members)

Fundamental questions & challenges - (Chair H. Milchberg)
9:10 Quantum properties of dense plasmas (Sam Vinko, Rip Collins)
9:40 Plasma in super-critical fields (Alec Thomas, Stepan Bulanov)

BREAK - Foyer B

Fundamental questions & challenges - (Chair E Scime)
10:30 Single component plasmas, dusty plasmas, matter-antimatter plasmas (Eve Stenson, Joel Fajans)
11:00 Laboratory astrophysics (Carolyn Kuranz, Petros Tzeferacos)
11:30 Relativistic laser- and beam-plasma interactions (Felicie Albert, Warren Mori)
12:00 1:30

LUNCH - Salon E

Fundamental questions & challenges - (Chair H. Milchberg)
1:30 Coherent structures and energy dissipation in plasmas (Jim Drake, Mike Brown)
2:00 Controlled production of chemical reactivity (Mark Kushner, Steve Shannon)

Breakout Sessions on Science Themes
(1-Salon E  |  2 - Salon F  |  3 - Salon G  |  4 - Tubman Room  |  5 - Key Room  |  6 - Curry Room  |  7 - Salon E)
For each science topic area:groups will further refine their number of basic physics questions to preferably one but at most two - either plasma physics questions or general physics questions best addressed by a plasma experiment.

2:30-3:45 Breakout Sessions:  Seven science topic groups

BREAK - Foyer B

4:00-5:30 Moderated discussion on science themes, with panel of topic group leads - (Chair E Scime) 


Workshop agenda: Second day (Room - Salon FG)
All sessions will be in Salon FG unless otherwise indicated.
The workshop will be video-streamed, with remote participation available during moderated discussions.

May 21: Facilities



8:30 Overview of Day's Activities and Goals (H. Milchberg)

Facility and user perspectives for best science (talk 20 min + 10 min comments and questions) - (Chair E. Scime)

8:40 Open facility: LLE-NLUF (Mingsheng Wei, LLE, Univ. Rochester)
9:10 Open facility: SLAC-LCLS (Emma McBride, SLAC)
9:40 Open facility: Green Bank Observatory (Karen O'Neil, Green Bank Site Director)
10:10 Collaborative facilities: UCLA-BaPSF and DIII-D (Troy Carter, UCLA)

BREAK - Foyer B

10:50 Single/Few PI - Magnetized Dust Experiment (Ed Thomas, Auburn Univ.)
11:20 LaserNetUS network: Plans for best science outcomes (Cameron Geddes, LBNL)
11:50-12:30 Moderated discussion on best practices, Panel:  facilities speakers - (Chair H. Milchberg)

LUNCH - Salon E

Breakout sessions
(1-Salon E  |  2 - Salon F  |  3 - Salon G  |  4 - Tubman Room  |  5 - Key Room  |  6 - Curry Room  |  7 - Salon E)
For each science topic area, groups will compose summary PowerPoint presentations that describe their important science question(s) and a user facility-based model for their study.

1:30-2:30 Breakout sessions: Seven science topic groups

Presentations from the science areas - (Chair E. Scime)

2:30-4:15 Seven (10+5 min) presentations

BREAK - Foyer B

4:30 Moderated discussion on lessons learned from the Workshop, Panel: topic group leads - (Chairs - H. Milchberg and E. Scime)

Review of writing assignments for Workshop Report (15 min) - (H. Milchberg and E. Scime)

