IREAP is a unique multidisciplinary research institute devoted to conducting, supporting, and encouraging applied science and engineering.
As director of IREAP, I envision our Institute as part of a vital strategy to invest in emerging research fields that may defy today’s traditional academic classification. Tomorrow’s challenges demand innovative and unconventional approaches that cross or dissolve the boundaries of classic disciplines. Faculty in IREAP work on modern-day problems that lie at the intersection of materials science, mathematics, physics, and engineering. Our research is notable for its breadth of scale: from photons and forces acting on the nanometer-scale to the particles and fields interacting in interplanetary space, researchers in IREAP are advancing the forefront of knowledge and technology. From particle accelerators and terawatt lasers to quantum dots and metallic nanoparticles, our unique and flexible research facility is home to some of the largest and smallest experiments on our campus, and our professional technical staff provides unparalleled technical support.
IREAP is built upon a 35-year history of innovation and sustained excellence in optics, plasma physics, microwave and terahertz science, materials science, and nonlinear dynamics. Today, IREAP remains a vibrant and active intellectual community that spans multiple departments and colleges throughout the University of Maryland. We are home to more than 35 tenured and research faculty, and more than 90 graduate and undergraduate students. Our diversity of expertise is matched by a shared culture of excellence and a common appreciation for interdisciplinary collaboration.
I invite you to take some time to visit our website and learn more about the latest research, achievements, discoveries, expertise and events. Even better, I encourage you to visit our Institute in person, to meet our students and faculty and be inspired by the innovation, ambition, and creativity you will find here.