Faculty Directory

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Electrical Trees

Lichtenberg figure

Centrifugal Mirror Fusion Experiment (CMFX)

IREAP's CMFX Group, under the direction of Professor Carlos Romero-Talamás  (IREAP, UMBC) and Professor Brian Beaudoin (IREAP) will be featured on the APS TV Youtube channel at this year's APS March meeting.

Centrifugal Mirror Fusion Experiment receivies funding through BETHE program at ARPA-e

Centrifugal Mirror Fusion Experiment receives funding through BETHE program



Curriculum VitaeOrcid: 0000-0001-9935-4658, Google Scholar


My research group focuses on investigating the fundamental interactions between charged particles, electromagnetic radiation and materials. We are particularly interested in systems involving electrons, ions, with applications ranging from ionospheric physics  to materials processing.

General interests: Electromagnetics, fusion concepts, future enabling materials, traveling wave circuits, microwave vacuum electronics, plasma physics, circular and linear particle accelerators, electron and ion sources, pulsed power and radio frequency electronics.


Centrifugal Mirror Fusion Experiment (CMFX) – A simple, axisymmetric geometry and provides a potential low-cost pathway to a breakeven fusion experiment.

High Power Microwave (HPM) Group – Dedicated to designing, constructing and testing novel microwave structures including traveling wave tubes, gyrotrons, pasotrons and other high gradient accelerating microwave structures.

The Bright Beams Collective Research Group (BBC) is a world-class research facility in beam and accelerator physics at the Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics on the University of Maryland, College Park campus. Using a scaled low-energy electron beam, BBC cleverly accesses the intense, high-brightness, regime of beam operation in accelerators at a much lower cost than larger and more energetic machines. BBC, therefore, makes an ideal testbed for experimenting in pushing up the brightness of existing and future accelerators.

Radiation Facilities – The University of Maryland Radiation Facilities includes a 250 kW reactor, 100 kCi Co60 source and two 10 MeV electron accelerators, supporting a broad range of Maryland research and the education of graduate and undergraduate students in nuclear science.

TEACHING AND MENTORING in ECE and the Keystone ProgramElectrical and Computer EngineeringAJamesClark

As an  Associate Research Professor, I created a new capstone course in 2023 called ENEE408J, "Audio Electronics Engineering." This course teaches 4th-year undergraduates the theory and experimental implementation of audio electronics that covers various implementations of filters/effects with multi-channel audio amplifiers, digital signal processing, electromagnetics, and physics of the various transducers, room acoustics, etc. The course has been taught in the spring of 2023, 2024 and will be offered in 2025.

I'm also teaching ENES100, "Introduction to Engineering Design" this fall 2024. This course provides new engineering students with a roadmap to becoming a professional engineer. This is achieved through the planning, investigation, design, manufacturing, assembly, and evalulation of a product, conducted within the context of a team.

I have also co-created a capstone course and offered it every spring semester (from 2016-2022), ENEE408T, "Building the 5 MeV Cyclotron." This course educates 4th-year undergraduates in the theory and operation of a particle accelerator known as the cyclotron. The students learn the fundamentals of the machine, and how to simulate various aspects of the machine: from the magnetic and RF fields to the particle dynamics. The course was taught in the spring semesters from 2016-2022.

I also continue to volunteer as an instructor for the United States Particle Accelerator School (USPAS). This 1-2 week school ventures around the country educating anyone interested in particle accelerators as well as the various subsystems. I have co-taught "Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab", "Cyclotrons", "The effect of radiation on electronics and materials". 



by the National Science Foundation NSF

TREND 2012 Carlos Blanco, Purdue University, Non-Linear Wave Dynamics in Charged Particle Beam Systems

TREND 2014 – Jared Ginsberg, Cornell University, Modeling and Characterization oSoliton Trains in an Electron Beam

TREND 2017 – Joseph Betz, Widener University, X-band Microwave Accelerating Cavity

TREND 2018 – Kathleen Hamilton, University of Maryland, Longitudinal RF Confinement in UMER

TREND 2020 – Ambar C. Rodriguez Alicea, University of Puerto Rico, Predicting Cross-section Images of Particle Beams for UMER Using Neural Networks

TREND 2021 – William Matava, University of Texas at Austin, Design and Simulations of a Small-Scale Electron LINAC

TREND 2022 – Ariana Bussio, University of Maryland, Compact Ion Generation, Focusing & Filtering for Nuclear Decay Studies

       TREND 2024 – Cheyenne Valles, University of Texas at San Antonio, Nonlinear Effects of Laser Beatwave Wakefield Acceleration Near Critical Density for Weakly Relativistic Intensities in 1-D



I also mentor a small, selected group of students enrolled into the University of Maryland College Park program, known as the Gemstone Honors Program. The group I mentor is called "ChargeX" and they are interested in developing novel devices that could be used to charge electric vehicles and electric boats. I mentor them weekly to ensure their project stays on track with Gemstone deadlines. This mentoring occurs over a period of three years where I start working with the students in their 2nd year and by the time they graduate in their 4th year, they present an undergraduate thesis and a full report that includes all the work they have done. I assist the students with this report, both in editing and guiding them with the content.


  1. K.M. Sturge, N. Hoppis, A.M. Bussio, J. Barney, B.L. Beaudoin, C. Brown, B. Carlsten, C. Chun, B.C. Clifford, J. Cumings, N. Dallmann, J. Fitzgibbon, E.H. Frashure, A.E. Hammell, J. Hannan, S.L. Henderson, M.E. Hiebert, J. Krutzler, J. Lichhardt, M. Marr-Lyon, T. Montano, N. Moody, A. Mueller, P. O'Shea, R. Schneider, K. Smith, B. Tappan, C. Tiemann, D. Walter and T.W. Koeth, "Dynamics of high-speed electrical tree growth in electron-irradiated polymethyl methacrylate," Science, 18 Jul 2024, Vol. 385 Issue 6706, pp. 300-304.
  2. L. Dovlatyan, B.L. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, I. Haber, D. Sutter, and T.M. Antonsen Jr., "Optimization of flat to round transformers with self-fields," Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 25, 044002 (2022).
  3. B.L. Beaudoin, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, T.W. Koeth, T.M. Antonsen Jr., "Multi-stream instability of a single long electron bunch in a storage ring," Physics of Plasmas, 052106 (2019).
  4. B.L. Beaudoin, A. Ting, S. Gold, A.H. Narayan, R. Fischer, J.A. Karakkad, G.S. Nusinovich, D.B. Matthew, T.M. Antonsen Jr., "Experimental Studies on Radio Frequency Sources foIonospheric Heaters," Physics of Plasmas, 103116 (2018).
  5. B.L. Beaudoin, G.S. Nusinovich, G. Milikh, A. Ting, S. Gold, J.A. Karakkad, A.H. Narayan, D.B. Matthew, D.K. Papadopoulos and T.M. Antonsen Jr., "Highly Efficient, Megawatt-Class, Radio Frequency Source for Mobile Ionospheric Heaters," Journal of Electromagnetic Wave and Applications, Special Issue Article: Microwave Tubes and Applications 37, pp. 1786-1801, (2017).
  6. B.L. Beaudoin, J.C.T. Thangaraj, D. Edstrom Jr., J. Ruan, A.H. Lumpkin, D. Broemmelsiek, K.A. Carlson, D.J. Crawford, A. Romanov, J.K. Santucci, G. Stancari, R. Thurman-Keup, A. Warner, "Longitudinal Bunch Shaping of Picosecond High-Charge MeV Electron Beams," Physics of Plasmas 23, 103107 (2016).
  7. Invited: B.L. Beaudoin, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, S. Bernal and T. Koeth, "Long path-length experimental studies of longitudinal phenomena in intense beams," Physics of Plasmas 23,056701 (2016).
  8. B. Beaudoin and R.A. Kishek, "Measurement of Tune in the Beam Ends as a Diagnostic Tool for Profiling the Momentum," Physical Review Special Topics – Accelerators & Beams 16, 114201 (2013).
  9. Invited: B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, C. Blanco, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, T. Koeth, and Y. Mo, "Modeling HIF Relevant Longitudinal Dynamics in UMER," Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 733, 178-181 (2014).
  10. B. Beaudoin, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, S. Bernal, T. Koeth, D. Sutter, P.G. O.Shea, and M. Reiser,"Longitudinal Confinement and Matching of an Intense Electron Beam," Physics of Plasmas 18, 013104 (2011).
  11. J.A. Karakkad, D. Matthew, R. Ray, B.L. Beaudoin, A. Narayan, G.S. Nusinovich, A. Ting andT.M. Antonsen Jr., "High efficiency inductive output tubes with intense annular electron beams", Physics of Plasmas 24, 103116, (2017).
  12. G.S. Nusinovich, B.L. Beaudoin, C. Thompson, J.A. Karakkad, and T.M. Antonsen Jr., "Limiting current of intense electron beams in a decelerating gap", Physics of Plasmas 23, 023114, (2016).
  13. Y.C. Mo, R.A. Kishek, D. Feldman, I. Haber, B. Beaudoin, P.G. O'Shea, and J.C.T. Thangaraj, "Experimental Observations of Soliton Wave Trains in Electron Beams," PhysicalReview Letters 110, 084802 (2013).
  14. K. Poorrezaei, R.B. Fiorito, R.A. Kishek, B.L. Beaudoin, "New technique to measure emittance for beams with space charge," Physical Review Special Topics – Accelerators & Beams 16, 082801 (2013).
  15. Invited: R.A. Kishek, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, M. Cornacchia, D. Feldman, R. Fiorito, I. Haber, T.W. Koeth, Y. Mo, P.G. O'Shea, K. Poor Rezaei, D. Sutter, and H. Zhang, "The University of Maryland Electron Ring Program," Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 733, 233-237 (2014).
  16. S. Bernal, B.L. Beaudoin, T. Koeth, and P.G. O'Shea, "Smooth Approximation of Dispersion with Strong Space Charge," Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators & Beams 14, 104202 (2011).
  17. K. Fiuza, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, C. Papadopoulos, D. Sutter, and C. Wu, "Design of a scaled recirculator for Heavy Ion Inertial Fusion," Journal of Physics - Conference Series 244, 032029 (2010).
  18. I. Haber, S. Bernal, B. Beaudoin, M. Cornacchia, D. Feldman, R.B. Feldman, R. Fiorito, K. Fiuza, T.F. Godlove, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, B. Quinn, C. Papadopoulos, M. Reiser, D. Stratakis, D. Sutter, J.C.T. Thangaraj, K. Tian, M. Walter, and C. Wu, "Scaled electron studies at the University of Maryland," Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 606, 64-68 (2009).
  19. I. Haber, G. Bai, S. Bernal, B. Beaudoin, D. Feldman, R. Fiorito, T.F. Godlove, R. A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, B. Quinn, C. Papadopoulos, M. Reiser, J. Rodgers, D. Stratakis, D. Sutter, K. Tian, C.J. Tobin, M. Walter, and C. Wu, "Scaled electron experiments at the University of Maryland," Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 577, 150-156 (2007).
  20. B. Beaudoin, T.M. Antonsen Jr., I. Haber, T.W. Koeth, A.H. Narayan, G. Nusinovich, K. Ruisard, "Novel High Power Sources for the Physics of Ionospheric Modification", Proceedings of the 2015 International Particle Accelerator Conference, Richmond, VA, Paper ID WEPTY056 (2015).
  21. B. Beaudoin, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, "Barrier Shock Compression with Longitudinal Space Charge", Proceedings of the 2015 International Particle Accelerator Conference, Richmond, VA, Paper ID MOPMA044 (2015).
  22. B. Beaudoin, D. Edstrom Jr., A.H. Lumpkin, J. Ruan, J. Thangaraj, "Longitudinal Bunch Shaping at Picosecond Scales using Alpha-BBO Crystals at the Advanced Superconducting Test Accelerator", Proceedings of the 2015 International Particle Accelerator Conference, Richmond, VA, Paper ID MOPMA043 (2015).
  23. B.L. Beaudoin, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, and T. Koeth, "Experimental Observations of a Multi- stream Instability in a Long Intense Beam," Proceedings of the 2013 International Particle Accelerator Conference, Shanghai, China, May 2013, 2044 (2013).
  24. B.L. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, K. Fiuza, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, T. Koeth, M. Reiser, D. Sutter, and P.G. O'Shea, "Space-Charge Effects in Bunched and Debunched Beams," Proceedings of the2011 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, New York, NY, Paper ID MOOD51 (2011).
  25. B.L. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, T. Koeth, D. Sutter, and P.G. O'Shea, "Longitudinal Confinement of an Intense Beam Using Induction Focusing," Proceedings of 14th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Annapolis, MD, June 2010, (New York: AIP Press 1299, 2010), p. 603.
  26. B.L. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, M. Cornacchia, K. Fiuza, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, T.W. Koeth, M. Reiser, D.F. Sutter, H. Zhang, and P.G. O'Shea, "High Intensity Beam Physics at UMER," Proceedings of the 46th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity, High-Brightness Hadron Beams, Morschach, Switzerland, Sep 2010, 629 (2010).
  27. B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, K. Fiuza, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, M. Reiser, D. Sutter, and J.C.T. Thangaraj,"Longitudinal Beam Bucket Studies for a Space-Charge Dominated Beam," Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, Paper ID, FR5PFP058 (2009).
  28. B.L. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, M. Reiser, J.C.T. Thangaraj, K. Tian, M. Walter, and C. Wu, "Application of Induction Module for Energy Perturbations in the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Albuquerque, NM, ed. C. Petit-Jean-Genaz, IEEE Cat. No. 07CH37866, 2322 (2007).
  29. S. Bernal, B. Beaudoin, H. Baumgartner, S. Ehrenstein, I. Haber, T. Koeth, E. Montgomery, K. Ruisard, D. Sutter, D. Yun, and R.A. Kishek, "Ultra-low Current Beams in UMER to Model Space-Charge Effects in High-energy Proton and Ion Machines," Proceedings of the 17th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Washington, DC, August 2016.
  30. K. Ruisard, I. Haber, T. Koeth, B.L. Beaudoin, D. Matthew, and H. Baumgartner, "The University of Maryland Electron Ring distributed octupole lattice: marrying quasi-integrable optics with the FODO lattice," Proceedings of the 17th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Washington, DC, August 2016.
  31. K. Ruisard, H. Baumgartner, B. Beaudoin, I. Haber, T.W. Koeth, and D.B Matthew, "Early Tests and Simulation of Quasi-Integrable Octupole Lattices at the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 57th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High- Intensity, High-Brightness and High-Power Hadron Beams, Malmo, Sweden, July 2016.
  32. H. Baumgartner K. Ruisard, I. Haber, T. Koeth, D. Matthew, M. Teperman, B.L. Beaudoin, "Quantification of Octupole Magnets at the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 2016 North America Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, IL, October 2016, (2016).
  33. K. Ruisard, H. Baumgartner, B. Beaudoin, I. Haber, M. Teperman, T. Koeth, "Experimental Plans for Single-Channel Strong Octupole Fields at the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 2016 North America Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, IL, October (2016).
  34. K.J. Ruisard, B. Beaudoin, I. Haber, and T. Koeth, "Simulations and Experiments in Support of Octupole Lattice Studies at the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 2015 International Particle Accelerator Conference, Richmond, VA, 653 (2015).
  35. S. Bernal, B.L. Beaudoin, I. Haber, T. Koeth, Y. Mo, E. Montgomery, K.P. Rezaei, K. Ruisard, W. Stem, D. Sutter, H. Zhang, and R.A. Kishek "Stability of Emittance vs. Space-Charge Dominated Beams in an Electron Recirculator," Proceedings of the 16th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), San Jose, CA, July 2014, p. 100003.
  36. J.L. Gonski, B.L. Beaudoin, S. Burcher, J.E. Krutzler, T.W. Koeth, "A Novel Optical Method for Measuring Beam Phase and Width in the Rutgers 12-Inch Cyclotron," Proc. 20th International Conference on Cyclotrons and their Applications, Vancouver, Canada, Paper ID WE1PB04, September 2013.
  37. Y.C. Mo, B.L. Beaudoin, D. Feldman, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, and P.G. O'Shea, "Experimental Study of Soliton Wave Trains in Electron Beams," Proceedings of the 2013 International Particle Accelerator Conference, Shanghai, China, May 2013, 1835 (2013).
  38. S. Bernal, B.L. Beaudoin, M. Cornacchia, and D. Sutter, "Stability of Emittance vs. Space- Charge Dominated Beams in an Electron Recirculator," Proceedings of the 2013 North American Particle Accelerator Conference, Pasadena, CA, Sep/Oct 2013, TUPAC31 (2013).
  39. R.A. Kishek, B.L. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, M. Cornacchia, D. Feldman, R. Fiorito, I. Haber, T. Koeth, Y.C. Mo, K. Poor Rezaei, K.J. Ruisard, W. Stem, D. Sutter, and H.D. Zhang, "The University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER) Program – Recent Developments," Proceedings of the 2013 North American Particle Accelerator Conference, Pasadena, CA, Sep/Oct 2013, FROAA1 (2013).
  40. W. Stem, B.L. Beaudoin, I. Haber, and T. Koeth, "Experimental Detection of Envelope Resonance in a Space-Charge-Dominated Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 2013 North American Particle Accelerator Conference, Pasadena, CA, Sep/Oct 2013, TUPAC32 (2013).
  41. D.F. Sutter and B.L. Beaudoin, "Measurement of Plasma Wave Speed from Electron Beam End Erosion," Proceedings of the 2013 North American Particle Accelerator Conference, Pasadena, CA, Sep/Oct 2013, TUPAC33 (2013).
  42. H.D. Zhang, B.L. Beaudoin, and R.A. Kishek, "Experimental Study of Halo Formation in Space Charge Dominated Beam,"Proceedings of the 2013 North American Particle Accelerator Conference, Pasadena, CA, Sep/Oct 2013, FROAA6 (2013).
  43. Invited: R.A. Kishek, B. Beaudoin, I. Haber, D. Feldman, T. Koeth, and Y. Mo, "Longitudinal Space Charge Phenomena in an Intense Beam in a Ring," Proceedings of the 52nd ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity and High-Brightness Hadron Beams, Beijing, China, Sep 2012, Paper ID, WEO1C05 (2012).
  44. H. Zhang, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, R. Fiorito, R. Kishek, K. Poor Rezaei, and A. Shkvarunets, "Beam Halo Measurements using Adaptive Masking Methods and Proposed Halo Experiment," Proceedings of the 52nd ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity and High-Brightness Hadron Beams, Beijing, China, Sep 2012, Paper ID, MOP260 (2012).
  45. S. Bernal, B.L. Beaudoin, M. Cornacchia, D. Sutter, and R.A. Kishek,  "Orbit Corrections for Alternative Lattices at the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 2012 International Particle Accelerator Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, May 2012, 3993 (2012).
  46. Yichao Mo, B.L. Beaudoin, D. Feldman, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, and J.C.T. Thangaraj,  "Experimental Observations of Large-amplitude Solitary Waves in Electron Beams," Proceedings of the 2012 International Particle Accelerator Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, May 2012, 1377 (2012).
  47. K.J. Ruisard, B.L. Beaudoin, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, and T. Koeth,  "Design of an Electrostatic Extraction Section for the University of Maryland Electron Ring,"  Proceedings of the 2012 International Particle Accelerator Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, May 2012,     2964 (2012).
  48. William Stem, B.L. Beaudoin, I. Haber, and T. Koeth, "Recovering Measured Dynamics from a DC Circulating Space-charge-dominated Storage Ring,"  Proceedings of the 2012 International Particle Accelerator Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, May 2012,     2967 (2012).
  49. Haber, B.L. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, R.A. Kishek, T. Koeth, and Y.C. Mo, "Experimental and Simulation Study of the Long-path-length Dynamics of a Space-charge-dominated Bunch," Proceedings of the 2012 Linear Accelerator Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel, Sep 2012, Paper ID, THPB061 (2012).
  50. T. Koeth, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, and P.G. O'Shea, "Longitudinal Relaxation of a Space-Charge Dominated Bunch," Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, New York, NY, Paper ID, MOOB53 (2011).
  51. S. Bernal, B.L. Beaudoin, T. Koeth, and P.G. O'Shea, "Smooth Approximation of Dispersion with Strong Space Charge," Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, New York, NY, Paper ID, WEP101 (2011).
  52. R.A. Kishek, B.L. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, M. Cornacchia, K. Fiuza, I. Haber, T. Koeth, P.G. O'Shea, D.F. Sutter, and H. Zhang, "Advances in Modeling the University of Maryland Electron Ring,"Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, New York, NY, Paper ID, WEP050 (2011).
  53. D. Sutter, B.L. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, M. Cornacchia, R.A. Kishek, T. Koeth, P.G. O'Shea, and M. Reiser, "Current Dependent Tune Shifts in the University of Maryland Electron Ring,"Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, New York, NY, Paper ID, WEP102 (2011).
  54. S. Bernal, D. Sutter, B. Beaudoin, M. Cornacchia, K. Fiuza, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, T. Koeth, M. Reiser, and P.G. O'Shea, "Transverse Beam Physics in UMER - Update," Proceedings of 14th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Annapolis, MD, June 2010, (New York: AIP Press 1299, 2010), p. 580.
  55. Timothy W. Koeth, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, M. Reiser, and P.G. O'Shea,"Measurement & Simulation of Interpenetration and DC Accumulation in the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of 14th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Annapolis, MD, June 2010, (New York: AIP Press 1299, 2010), p. 608.
  56. S. Bernal, D. Sutter, M. Cornacchia, B. Beaudoin, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, M. Reiser, C. Wu, and P.G. O'Shea, "Operational Studies of the 10 keV Electron Storage Ring UMER," Proceedings of 13th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Santa Cruz, CA, July/Aug, 2008, (New York: AIP Press 1086, 2009), p. 738.
  57. Jayakar C.T. Thangaraj, Brian Beaudoin, Donald Feldman, Rami Kishek, Santiago Bernal, David Sutter, Martin Reiser, and Patrick O'Shea, "Generation and transport of space charge waves in the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of 13th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Santa Cruz, CA, July/Aug, 2008, (New York: AIP Press 1086, 2009), p. 732.
  58. S. Bernal, B. Beaudoin, T. Koeth, M. Cornacchia, D. Sutter, K. Fiuza, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, C. Wu, C. Papadopoulos, M. Reiser, and P.G. O'Shea, "Resonance Phenomena Over a Broad Range of Beam Intensities in an Electron Storage Ring," Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, Paper ID, FR5PFP059 (2009).
  59. K. Fiuza, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, M. Reiser, P.G. O'Shea, and D.F. Sutter,"Modeling Acceleration of High-Intensity Space-Charge-DominatedBeams," Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC,Paper ID, FR5PFP060 (2009).
  60. R.A. Kishek, D. Stratakis, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, M. Cornacchia, I. Haber, P.G. O'Shea, M. Reiser, D. Sutter, J.C.T. Thangaraj, and C. Wu, "Matching and Injection of Beams with Space Charge into the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, Paper ID, FR5PFP061 (2009).
  61. D. Sutter, S. Bernal, C. Wu, M. Cornacchia, B. Beaudoin, K. Fiuza, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, M. Reiser, and P.G. O'Shea, "Coherent Phenomenon Over a Range of Beam Intensities in the Storage Ring UMER," Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, Paper ID, FR5PFP063 (2009).
  62. C. Wu, E.H. Abed, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, K. Fiuza, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, M. Reiser, and D. Sutter, "A Novel Beam Steering Algorithm Using Orbit Response Matrix," Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, Paper ID, FR5REP029 (2009).
  63. J.C.T. Thangaraj, B.L. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, D. Feldman, R. Feldman, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, C. Papadopoulos, M. Reiser, D. Stratakis, and D. Sutter, "Space charge waves as a diagnostic to measure transverse beam size of space charge dominated beams," Proceedings of the 2008 Beam Instrumentation Workshop, May 2008, Lake Tahoe, CA, (New York: AIP Press,2008), p. 149.
  64. C. Wu, E. Abed, B.L. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, M. Reiser, and D.F. Sutter,"Linear Resonance Analysis of Beams with Intense Space Charge in the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 42nd ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity, High-Brightness Hadron Beams, Nashville, TN, Aug 2008, 165 (2008).
  65. R.A. Kishek, G. Bai, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, D. Feldman, R. Feldman, R. Fiorito, T.F. Godlove, I. Haber, T. Langford, P.G. O'Shea, B. Quinn, C. Papadopoulos, M. Reiser, D. Stratakis, D. Sutter, K. Tian, J.C.T. Thangaraj, M. Walter, and C. Wu, "The University of Maryland Electron ring (UMER) Enters a New Regime of High-Tune-Shift Rings," Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Albuquerque, NM, ed. C. Petit-Jean-Genaz, IEEE Cat. No. 07CH37866,820(2007).
  66. S. Bernal, B. Beaudoin, R.A. Kishek, M. Reiser, D. Sutter, and P.G. O'Shea, "Low-current, Space-Charge Dominated Beam Transport at the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER),"Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Albuquerque, NM, ed. C. Petit-Jean-Genaz, IEEE Cat. No. 07CH37866, 3561 (2007).
  67. R.B. Fiorito, B.L. Beaudoin, S. Casey, D. Feldman, P.G. O'Shea, and B. Quinn, "OTR Measurements of the 10 keV Electron Beam at the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Albuquerque, NM, ed. C. Petit-Jean-Genaz, IEEE Cat. No. 07CH37866, 4006 (2007).
  68. C. Papadopoulos, G. Bai, R.A. Kishek, I. Haber, M. Walter, B. Beaudoin, P.G. O'Shea, and M. Reiser, "Modeling Skew Quadrupole Effects on the UMER Beam," Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Albuquerque, NM, ed. C. Petit-Jean-Genaz, IEEE Cat. No.07CH37866, 3567 (2007).
  69. J.C.T. Thangaraj, G. Bai, B.L. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, D. Feldman, R. Fiorito, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, M. Reiser, D. Stratakis, K. Tian, and M. Walter, "Evolution of Laser Induced Perturbation and Experimental Observation of Space Charge Waves in the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Albuquerque, NM, ed. C. Petit-Jean-Genaz, IEEE Cat. No. 07CH37866, 3570 (2007).
  70. K. Tian, G. Bai, B.L. Beaudoin, D. Feldman, R.B. Fiorito, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, M. Reiser, D. Stratakis, D. Sutter, J.C.T. Thangaraj, M. Walter, and C. Wu, "Fast Imaging of Time-dependent Distributions of Intense Beams," Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Albuquerque, NM, ed. C. Petit-Jean-Genaz, IEEE Cat. No. 07CH37866, 3573 (2007).
  71. M. Walter, G. Bai, B.L. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, D. Feldman, T. Godlove, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, C. Papadopoulos, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, D. Stratakis, J.C.T. Thangaraj, and C. Wu, "Beam Extraction Concepts and Design for the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER),"Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Albuquerque, NM, ed. C. Petit-Jean-Genaz, IEEE Cat. No. 07CH37866, 1754 (2007).
  72. M. Walter, G. Bai, B.L. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, D. Feldman, T. Godlove, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, C. Papadopoulos, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, D. Stratakis, D. Sutter, J.C.T. Thangaraj, and C. Wu,"Multi-turn Operation of the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Albuquerque, NM, ed. C. Petit-Jean-Genaz, IEEE Cat. No. 07CH37866, 1751 (2007).
  73. C. Wu, E. Abed, G. Bai, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, I. Haber, R. Kishek, P. O'Shea, M. Reiser, D. Stratakis, D. Sutter, K. Tian, and M. Walter, "A Robust Orbit-Steering and Control Algorithm Using Quadrupole-scans as a Diagnostic," Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Albuquerque, NM, ed. C. Petit-Jean-Genaz, IEEE Cat. No. 07CH37866, 509 (2007).
  74. S. Bernal, G. Bai, B. Beaudoin, D. Feldman, R. Feldman, R. Fiorito, T.F. Godlove, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, C. Papadopoulos, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, D. Stratakis, D. Sutter, K. Tian, J.C.T. Thangaraj, M. Walter, C. Wu, and P.G. O'Shea, "New Developments In Space-Charge Beam Physics Research at the University Of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of 12th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Lake Geneva, WI, 10-15 July, 2006, ed., Manoel Conde and Catherine Eyberger, (New York: AIP Press 877, 2006), p. 94.
  75. G. Bai, R.A. Kishek, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, D. Feldman, T. Godlove, I. Haber, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, D. Sutter, M. Walter, and P.G. O'Shea, "Modeling and Experiments on Injection into University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of 12th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Lake Geneva, WI, 10-15 July, 2006, ed., Manoel Conde and Catherine Eyberger, (New York: AIP Press 877, 2006), p. 582.
  76. R.A. Kishek, G. Bai, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, D. Feldman, R. Fiorito, T.F. Godlove, I. Haber, P.G. O'Shea, B. Quinn, C. Papadopoulos, M. Reiser, D. Stratakis, D. Sutter, K. Tian, J.C.T. Thangaraj, M. Walter, and C. Wu, "Benchmarking Space Charge Codes Against UMER Experiments,"Proceedings of the 2006 International Computational Accelerator Physics Conference (ICAP), Chamonix, France, Oct 2006 WEA3MP03, 263 (2006).
  77. Bernal, G. Bai, B. Beaudoin, D. Feldman, R. Feldman, R. Fiorito, T.F. Godlove, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, C. Papadopoulos, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, D. Stratakis, D. Sutter, K. Tian, T.C.J. Tobin, M. Walter, C. Wu, and P.G. O'Shea, "Space-charge Beam Physics Research at the University Of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," 22nd ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity & High Brightness Hadron Beams, Tsukuba, Japan, May 2006 WEAX05, 218 (2006).


Centrifugal Mirror Fusion Experiment (CMFX)

IREAP's CMFX Group, under the direction of Professor Carlos Romero-Talamás  (IREAP, UMBC) and Professor Brian Beaudoin (IREAP) will be featured on the APS TV Youtube channel at this year's APS March meeting.

Centrifugal Mirror Fusion Experiment receives funding through BETHE program

Centrifugal Mirror Fusion Experiment receives funding through BETHE program

Timothy Koeth, Associate Research Professor, Profiled in The Washington Post

The Washington Post profiles Timothy Koeth's efforts to help students build a cyclotron.