Applied Dynamics Seminar with Karen Grutter

Thursday, April 25, 2024
12:15 p.m.
ERF 1207 (Large Conference Room)
Meredith Pettit
301 405 4951

Applied Dynamics Seminar

Title: Integrated Cavity Optomechanics: More Modalities, More Functionality

Speaker: Karen Grutter, Laboratory for Physical Sciences

When: Thu, April 25, 2024 at 12:30pm (Pizza served at 12:15pm)

Where: ERF 1207 (IREAP Large Conference Room)

Abstract: Coupling between low-loss optical and mechanical modes in on-chip devices has in recent years been exploited in a wide range of applications, including sensors, microwave photonic systems, and quantum dot transducers. While most of these systems are optimized for a single optical mode coupling to a single mechanical mode, broader functionality could be enabled by multimode systems. In this talk, we will discuss slot-mode optomechanical crystals as one such multimode platform, then we will build on this versatile geometry by integrating nano-electromechanical system (NEMS) actuators.  Finally, we will demonstrate the implementation of this system in a piezoelectric material, thereby adding interaction with the RF domain.

Bio:  Karen Grutter completed her Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences in Ming Wu’s group at U.C. Berkeley, then worked as a National Research Council postdoctoral fellow at NIST in Kartik Srinivasan’s group. Karen is currently the integrated photonics lead at the Laboratory for Physical Sciences.

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