News Story
Prof. Ed Ott Selected for 2014 Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize

Prof. Ed Ott (ECE, Physics, IREAP) has been selected to receive the 2014 Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize.
Awarded annually by the American Physical Society, the Lilienfeld prize recognizes "outstanding contributions to physics by a single individual who also has exceptional skills in lecturing to diverse audiences." Ott is a pioneer of research in nonlinear dynamics and chaos.
The Lilienfeld prize is one of a small number of APS prizes that is not specifically restricted to a sub-discipline or specialty of physics - it is open to competition from the entire physics community. Prof. Ott will be joining a very distinguished group of past winners, including Stephen Hawking and Nobel laureates Claude Cohen-Tannoudji and Frank Wilczek.
The award consists of $10,000 and a certificate with the citation that will read: "For pioneering contributions in nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory that have been uniquely influential for physicists and scientists in many fields, and for communicating the beauty and unifying power of these concepts to remarkably diverse audiences"
The prize also includes expenses for Prof. Ott to give the three lectures at an APS meeting, a research university., and a predominantly undergraduate institution.
Published October 1, 2013