BBC Publications
- B. Beaudoin, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, T.W. Koeth, and T.M. Antonsen, "Multistream Instability of a Single Long Electron Bunch in a Storage Ring," Phys. Plasmas 26, 052106 (2019).
- W.D. Stem, B.L. Beaudoin, I. Haber, and T.W. Koeth, "Quadrupolar mode measurements for space charge dominated beams," Physics of Plasmas 25, 073107 (2018).
- Invited: Brian Louis Beaudoin, Irving Haber, Rami A. Kishek, Santiago Bernal, and Timothy Koeth, "Long-path-length experimental studies of longitudinal phenomena in intense beams," Physics of Plasmas 23, 056701 (2016).
- J.-L. Vay, R. Lehe, H. Vincenti, B.B. Godfrey, I. Haber, and P. Lee, "Recent advances in high-performance modeling of plasma-based acceleration using the full PIC method," Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 829, 353-357 (2016).
- H.D. Zhang, J. Corbett, R.B. Fiorito, A.G. Shkvarunets, and K. Tian, "Beam studies at the SPEAR3 synchrotron using a digital optical mask," Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 817, 46 (2016).
- R. Fiorito, A. Shkvarunets, D. Castronovo, M. Cornacchia, S. Di Mitri, R. Kishek, C. Tschalaer, and M. Veronese, "Noninvasive emittance and energy spread monitor using optical synchrotron radiation," Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators & Beams 17, 122803 (2014).
- Alex Friedman, Ronald H. Cohen, David P. Grote, Steven M. Lund, William M. Sharp, Jean-Luc Vay, Irving Haber, and Rami A. Kishek, "Computational Methods in the Warp Code Framework for Kinetic Simulations of Particle Beams and Plasmas," IEEE Transactions On Plasma Science 42(5), 1321 (2014).
- B.B. Godfrey, J.-L. Vay, and I. Haber, "Numerical Stability Improvements for the Pseudospectral EM PIC Algorithm," IEEE Transactions On Plasma Science 42, 1339-1344 (2014).
- Invited: B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, C. Blanco, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, T. Koeth, and Y. Mo, "Modeling HIF relevant longitudinal dynamics in UMER," Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 733, 178-181 (2014).
- Invited: R.A. Kishek, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, M. Cornacchia, D. Feldman, R. Fiorito, I. Haber, T. Koeth, Y. Mo, P.G. O'Shea, K. Poor Rezaei, D. Sutter, and H. Zhang, "The University of Maryland Electron Ring Program," Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 733, 233-237 (2014).
- Y.C. Mo, R.A. Kishek, D. Feldman, I. Haber, B. Beaudoin, P.G. O'Shea, and J.C.T. Thangaraj, "Experimental Observations of Soliton Wave Trains in Electron Beams," Physical Review Letters 110, 084802 (2013).
- B. Beaudoin and R.A. Kishek, "Tune Variation and Transverse Displacement as a Diagnostic for Profiling Beam Energy," Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators & Beams 16, 114201 (2013)
- K. Poorrezaei, R.B. Fiorito, R.A. Kishek, and B.L. Beaudoin, "
New technique to measure emittance for beams with space charge," Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators & Beams 16, 082801 (2013). - Invited: R.A. Kishek, "Ping-Pong Modes and Higher-Periodicity Multipactor," Physics of Plasmas 20, 056702 (2013).
- H.D. Zhang, R.B. Fiorito, A.G. Shkvarunets, R.A. Kishek, and C.P. Welsch, "Beam Halo Imaging with a Digital Optical Mask," Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators & Beams 15, 072803 (2012).
- R.A. Kishek, "Coexistence of Mixed Mode Multipactor," Physics of Plasmas 19, 124501 (2012).
- S. Bernal, B.L. Beaudoin, T. Koeth, and P.G. O'Shea, "Smooth Approximation Model of Dispersion with Strong Space Charge for Continuous Beams," Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators & Beams 14, 104202 (2011).
- B. Beaudoin, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, S. Bernal, T. Koeth, D. Sutter, P.G. O'Shea, and M. Reiser, "Longitudinal Confinement and Matching of an Intense Electron Beam," Physics of Plasmas 18, 013104 (2011).
- K. Tian, R.A. Kishek, I. Haber, M. Reiser, and P.G. O'Shea, "Experimental Study of Large-Amplitude Perturbations in Space-Charge Dominated Beams," Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators & Beams 13, 034201 (2010).
- Invited: D. Stratakis, R.A. Kishek, S. Bernal, R.B. Fiorito, I. Haber, M. Reiser, P.G. O'Shea, K. Tian, and J.C.T. Thangaraj, "Generalized Phase-Space Tomography for Intense Beams," Physics of Plasmas 17, 056701 (2010).
- D. Stratakis, R.A. Kishek, I. Haber, R.B. Fiorito, M. Reiser, and P.G. O'Shea, "Experimental verification of tomographic phase-space imaging for beams with space-charge using a pinhole-scan," Journal of Applied Physics 107, 104905 (2010).
- D. Stratakis, R.A. Kishek, R.B. Fiorito, K. Tian, I. Haber, P.G. O'Shea, M. Reiser, and J.C.T. Thangaraj, "Time-dependent Phase Space Characterization of Intense Charged Particle Beams," Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators & Beams 12, 020101 (2009).
- D. Stratakis, R.A. Kishek, I. Haber, S. Bernal, M. Reiser, and P.G. O'Shea, "Experimental and Numerical Study of Phase Mixing of an Intense Beam," Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators & Beams 12, 064201 (2009).
- Invited: I. Haber, S. Bernal, B. Beaudoin, M. Cornacchia, D. Feldman, R.B. Feldman, R. Fiorito, K. Fiuza, T.F. Godlove, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, B. Quinn, C. Papadopoulos, M. Reiser, D. Stratakis, D. Sutter, J.C.T. Thangaraj, K. Tian, M. Walter, and C. Wu, "Scaled electron studies at the University of Maryland," Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 606, 64-68 (2009).
- Invited: K. Tian, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, R.B. Fiorito, D.W. Feldman, and M. Reiser, "Time-Dependent Imaging of Space-Charge-Dominated Electron Beams," Physics of Plasmas 15, 056707 (2008).
- John R. Harris and Patrick G. O'Shea, "Negative transconductance in apertured electron guns," Journal of Applied Physics 103, 113301 (2008).
- D. Stratakis, K. Tian, R.A. Kishek, I. Haber, M. Reiser, and P.G. O'Shea, "Tomographic Phase-Space Mapping of Intense Particle Beams Using Solenoids," Physics of Plasmas (Letters) 14, 120703 (2007).
- J.R. Harris, J.G. Neumann, K. Tian, and P.G. O'Shea, "Longitudinal density modulation and energy conversion in intense beams," Physical Review E 76, 026402 (2007).
- R.A. Kishek, G. Bai, S. Bernal, D. Feldman, T.F. Godlove, I. Haber, P.G. O'Shea, B. Quinn, C. Papadopoulos, M. Reiser, D. Stratakis, K. Tian, C.J. Tobin, and M. Walter, "Scaled Models: Space-Charge Dominated Electron Storage Rings," International Journal of Modern Physics A 22, 3838 (2007). DF
- Invited: I. Haber, G. Bai, S. Bernal, B. Beaudoin, D. Feldman, R. Fiorito, T.F. Godlove, R. A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, B. Quinn, C. Papadopoulos, M. Reiser, J. Rodgers, D. Stratakis, D. Sutter, K. Tian, C.J. Tobin, M. Walter, and C. Wu, "Scaled electron experiments at the University of Maryland," Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 577, 150-156 (2007).
- I. Haber, D. Feldman, R. Fiorito, A. Friedman, D.P. Grote, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, J. Rodgers, D. Stratakis, K. Tian, J.-L. Vay, and M. Walter, "Measurement and simulation of the time-dependent behavior of the UMER source," Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 577, 157-160 (2007).
- S. Bernal, H. Li, R.A. Kishek, B. Quinn, M. Walter, M. Reiser, P.G. O'Shea, and C.K. Allen, "RMS Envelope Matching of Electron Beams from 'Zero' Current to Extreme Space Charge in a Fixed Lattice of Short Magnets," Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators & Beams 9, 064202 (2006).
- D. Stratakis, R.A. Kishek, H. Li, S. Bernal, M. Walter, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, and P.G. O'Shea, "Tomography as a Diagnostic Tool for Phase Space Mapping of Intense Particle Beams," Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators & Beams 9, 112801 (2006)
- K. Tian, Y. Zou, Y. Cui, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, M. Reiser, and P.G. O'Shea, "Experimental observations of longitudinal space-charge waves in intense electron beams," Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators & Beams 9, 014201 (2006).
- Invited: Mark Walter, G. Bai, S. Bernal, I. Haber, M. Holloway, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, D. Stratakis, and C. Tobin, "Commissioning of the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER): Advances toward multi-turn operation," Physics of Plasmas 13, 056703 (2006).
- J.R. Harris and P.G. O'Shea, "Gridded Electron Guns and Modulation of Intense Beams," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 53(11), 2824-2829 (2006).
- J.R. Harris, J.G. Neumann, and P.G. O'Shea, "Governing Factors for Production of Photoemission-Modulated Electron Beams," Journal of Applied Physics 99, 093306 (2006)
- Invited: R.A. Kishek, G. Bai, S. Bernal, D. Feldman, T.F. Godlove, I. Haber, P.G. O'Shea, B. Quinn, C. Papadopoulos, M. Reiser, D. Stratakis, K. Tian, C.J. Tobin, and M. Walter, "UMER: An Analog Computer for Dynamics of Swarms Interacting via Long-Range Forces," Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 561, 266-271 (2006).
- H. Li, S. Bernal, T. Godlove, Y. Huo, R.A. Kishek, I. Haber, B. Quinn, M. Walter, Y. Zou, M. Reiser, and P.G. O'Shea, "Beam Control and Matching for the Transport of Intense Beams," Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 544, 367-373 (2005).
- Mark Walter, D. Lamb, S. Bernal, T. Godlove, I. Haber, R. Kishek, H. Li, P. O'Shea, B. Quinn, and M. Reiser, "Experimental Tests of the Injection Y on the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 544, 374-377 (2005).
- Henry E. Kandrup, Courtlandt L. Bohn, Rami A. Kishek, Patrick G. O'Shea, Martin Reiser, and Ioannis V. Sideris, "Chaotic Collisionless Evolution in Galaxies and Charged-Particle Beams," Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1045, 12-33 (2005).
- R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, S. Bernal, I. Haber, J. Harris, Y. Huo, H. Li, and M. Reiser, "The University of Maryland Electron Ring: A Platform for Study of Galactic Dynamics on a Laboratory Scale," Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1045, 45-54 (2005).
- Y. Zou, Y. Cui, M. Reiser, and P. G. O'Shea, "Observation of anomalous increase of longitudinal energy spread in a space-charge dominated electron beam," Physical Review Letters 94, 134801 (2005).
- B.G. Logan, F.M. Bieniosek, C.M. Celata, E. Henestroza, J.W. Kwan, E.P. Lee, M. Leitner, P.K. Roy, P.A. Seidl, S. Eylon, J.-L. Vay, ..., R.A. Kishek, P. O'Shea, I. Haber, and L.R. Prost, "Overview of US heavy ion fusion research," Nuclear Fusion 45, 131-137 (2005).
- J.G. Neumann, J.R. Harris, B. Quinn, and P.G. O'Shea, "Production of Photoemission-Modulated Beams in a Thermionic Electron Gun," Review of Scientific Instruments 76, 033303 (2005).
- Invited: R.A. Kishek, S. Bernal, Y. Cui, T.F. Godlove, I. Haber, J. Harris, Y. Huo, H. Li, P.G. O'Shea, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, M. Walter, M. Wilson, and Y. Zou, "HIF Research on the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 544, 179-186 (2005).
- Y. Cui, Y. Zou, M. Reiser, R.A. Kishek, I. Haber, S. Bernal, and P.G. O'Shea, "Coherent error study in a retarding field energy analyzer," Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 544, 527-532 (2005).
- I. Haber, S. Bernal, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, Y. Zou, A. Friedman, D. P. Grote, and J.-L. Vay, "Measurement and Simulation of the UMER Beam in the Source Region," Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 544, 441-446 (2005).
- Y. Cui, Y. Zou, M. Reiser, R.A. Kishek, I. Haber, S. Bernal, and P.G. O'Shea, "Measurement of Beam Energy Spread in a Space-Charge Dominated Electron Beam," Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators & Beams 7, 072801 (2004).
- Invited: S. Bernal, H. Li, T. Godlove, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, M. Walter, Y. Zou, and P.G. O'Shea, "Beam Experiments in the Extreme Space-Charge Limit on the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Physics of Plasmas 11(5), 2907 (2004).
- Invited: J.-L. Vay, P. Colella, J.W. Kwan P. McCorquodale, D.B. Serifini, A. Friedman, D.P. Grote, G. Westenskow, J.-C. Adam, A. Heron, and I. Haber, "Application of Adaptive Mesh Refinement to Particle-in-Cell Simulations of Plasmas and Beams," Physics of Plasmas 11(5), 2928 (2004).
- Martin Reiser and Hui Li, "Solutions of the matched K-V envelope equations for a `smooth' asymmetric focusing channel," Journal of Applied Physics 96, 784 (2004).
- Y. Cui, Y. Zou, A. Valfells, M. Walter, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, S. Bernal, M. Reiser, and P.G. O'Shea, "Design and Operation of a Retarding Field Energy Analyzer with Variable Focusing for Space-Charge Dominated Electron Beams," Review of Scientific Instruments 75(8), 2736 (2004).
- S. Bernal, B. Beaudoin, Y. Cui, M. Glanzer, T. F. Godlove, J. Harris, M. Holloway, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, W-T. Lee, H. Li, D. Lamb, B. Quinn, M. Qurius, M. Reiser, A. Valfells, M. Virgo, M. Walter, M. Wilson, R. Yun, Y. Zou, and P. G. O'Shea, "Intense Beam Transport Experiments in a Multi-Bend System at the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 519, 380-387 (2004).
- I. Haber, S. Bernal, C. M. Celata, A. Friedman, D. P. Grote, R.A. Kishek, B. Quinn, P.G. O'Shea, M. Reiser, and J.-L. Vay, "Collective Space-Charge Phenomena in the Source Region," Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 519, 396-404 (2004).
- H. Li, S. Bernal, R.A. Kishek, I. Haber, Y. Zou, P.G. O'Shea, and M. Reiser, "Simulation studies on matching of space-charge-dominated beams for the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 519, 405-411 (2004).
- Y. Zou, H. Li, M. Reiser, and P.G. O'Shea, "Theoretical Study of Transverse Emittance Growth in a Gridded Electron Gun," Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 519, 432-441 (2004).
- Y. Zou, Y. Cui, I. Haber, M. Reiser, and P.G. O'Shea, "Longitudinal space-charge effects in a retarding field energy analyzer," Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators & Beams 6, 112801 (2003).
- Invited: C.M. Celata, F.M. Bieniosek, E. Henestroza, ..., S. Bernal, Y. Cui, D. Feldman, T.F. Godlove, I. Haber, J. Harris, R.A. Kishek, H. Li, P.G. O'Shea, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, A. Valfells, M. Walter, Y. Zou, et al., "Progress in heavy ion fusion research," Physics of Plasmas 10 (5), 2064 (2003).
- Invited: R.A. Kishek, S. Bernal, C.L. Bohn, D. Grote, I. Haber, H. Li, P.G. O'Shea, M. Reiser, and M. Walter, "Simulations and experiments with space-charge-dominated beams," Physics of Plasmas 10 (5), 2016 (2003).
- A. Shkvarunets, R. Fiorito, and P.G. O'Shea, "Optical Diffraction-Transition Radiation Interferometry and Its Application to the Measurement of Beam Divergence," Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 201(1), 153-160 (2003).
- S. Bernal, B. Quinn, P.G. O'Shea, and M. Reiser, "Edge Imaging in Intense Beams," Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators & Beams 5, 064202 (2002).
- Y. Zou, Y. Cui, V. Yun, A. Valfells, R.A. Kishek, S. Bernal, I. Haber, M. Reiser, P.G. O'Shea, and J.G. Wang, "Compact high-resolution retarding field energy analyzer for space-charge-dominated electron beams," Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators & Beams 5, 072801 (2002).
- Invited: A. Valfells, D. Feldman, M. Virgo, P.G. O'Shea, and Y.Y. Lau, "Effects of pulse-length and emitter area on virtual cathode formation in electron guns," Physics of Plasmas 9, 2377 (2002).
- Invited: P.G. O'Shea, R.A. Kishek, M. Reiser, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, Y. Cui, A. Diep, D. Feldman, M. Glanzer, T.F. Godlove, I. Haber, J. Harris, H. Li, J. Neumann, B. Quinn, M. Qurius, M. Snowel, A. Valfells, M. Virgo, M. Walter, R. Yun, and Y. Zou, "Experiments with Space Charge Dominated Beams for Heavy Ion Fusion Applications," Laser and Particle Beams 20, 599 (2002).
- I. Haber, F.M. Bieniosek, C.M. Celata, A. Friedman, D.P. Grote, E. Henestroza, J.-L. Vay, S. Bernal, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, M. Reiser, and W.B. Herrmannsfeldt, "End-to-End Simulation: The Front End," Laser and Particle Beams 20, 431 (2002).
- Invited: I. Haber, A. Friedman, D.P. Grote, S. M. Lund, S. Bernal, and R.A. Kishek, "Recent Progress in Heavy Ion Fusion Simulation," Nuclear Instruments and Methods A464, 343-350 (2001).
- Invited: P.G. O'Shea, M. Reiser, R.A. Kishek, S. Bernal, H. Li, M. Pruessner, V. Yun, Y. Cui, W. Zhang, Y. Zou, T. Godlove, D. Kehne, P. Haldemann, and I. Haber, "The University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Nuclear Instruments and Methods A464, 646-652 (2001).
- J.J. Barnard, L.E. Ahle, R.O. Bangerter, et al., I. Haber, and R. A. Kishek, "Planning for an Integrated Research Experiment," Nuclear Instruments and Methods A464, 621-628 (2001).
- D. Kehne, T. Godlove, P. Haldemann, S. Bernal, S. Guharay, R. Kishek, Y. Li, P. O'Shea, M. Reiser, V. Yun, Y. Zou, and I. Haber, "Injector for the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Nuclear Instruments and Methods A464, 605-609 (2001).
- R.A. Kishek, S. Bernal, P.G. O'Shea, M. Reiser, and I. Haber, "Transverse space-charge modes in non-equilibrium beams," Nuclear Instruments and Methods A464, 484-492 (2001).
- R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, and M. Reiser, "Energy Transfer in Nonequilibrium Space-Charge-Dominated Beams," Physical Review Letters 85 (21), 4514 (2000).
- Y. Zou, J. G. Wang, H. Suk, and M. Reiser, "Nonlinear Behavior of Localized Space-Charge Waves in Space-Charge Dominated Beams," Physical Review Letters 84, 5138 (2000).
- W.W. Zhang, S. Bernal, H. Li, T. Godlove, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, M. Reiser, V. Yun, and M. Venturini, "Design and field measurements of printed-circuit quadrupoles and dipoles," Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators & Beams 3, 122401 (2000).
- S. Bernal, R.A. Kishek, M. Reiser, and I. Haber, "Observations and Simulations of Transverse Density Waves in a Collimated Space-Charge Dominated Electron Beam," Physical Review Letters 82, 4002 (1999).
- Invited: I. Haber, A. Friedman, D.P. Grote, S.M. Lund, and R. A. Kishek, "Recent Progress in the Simulations of Heavy Ion Beams," Physics of Plasmas 6, 2254 (1999).
- H. Suk, J. G. Wang, M. Reiser, and Y. Zou, "Experiments on Space-Charge Waves in Electron Beams Propagating Through a Resistive-Wall Channel," Journal of Applied Physics 86, 1699 (1999).
- M. Venturini and M. Reiser, "rms Envelope Equations in the Presence of Space Charge and Dispersion," Physical Review Letters 81, 96 (1998).
- M. Venturini and M. Reiser, "Self-consistent beam distributions with space charge and dispersion in a circular ring lattice," Physical Review E 57, 4725 (1998).
- S. Bernal, P. Chin, R. Kishek, Y. Li, M. Reiser, J.G. Wang, T. Godlove, and I. Haber, "Transport of a space-charge dominated electron beam in a short-quadrupole channel," Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators & Beams 1, 044202 (1998).
- Invited: R.A. Kishek, Y.Y. Lau, L.K. Ang, A. Valfells, and R.M. Gilgenbach, "Multipactor Discharge on Metals and Dielectrics: Historical Review and Recent Theories," Physics of Plasmas 5 (5), 2120 (1998).
- J.G. Wang and M. Reiser, "Longitudinal space-charge waves and instabilities in intense beams," Physics of Plasmas 5 (5), 2064 (1998).
- R.A. Kishek, S. Bernal, M. Reiser, M. Venturini, J.G. Wang, I. Haber, and T. Godlove, "Beam Dynamics Simulations of the University of Maryland Electron-Ring Project," Nuclear Instruments and Methods A415, 417-421 (1998).
- J.G. Wang, S. Bernal, P. Chin, R.A. Kishek, Y. Li, M. Reiser, M. Venturini, Y. Zou, T. Godlove, I. Haber, and R. C. York, "Studies of the Physics of Space-Charge-Dominated Beams for Heavy Ion Inertial Fusion," Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 415, 422-427 (1998).
- J.G. Wang, H. Suk, and M. Reiser, "Experimental Investigation of the Resistive-Wall Instability for Localized Perturbations in the Long-Wavelength Range," Physical Review Letters 79, 1042 (1997).
- S. Bernal, A. Dragt, M. Reiser, M. Venturini, J.G. Wang, and T. Godlove, "Matching section and inflector design for a model electron ring," Fusion Engineering and Design 32-33, 277-281 (1996).
- M. Reiser, S. Bernal, A. Dragt, M. Venturini, J.G. Wang, H. Onishi, and T.F. Godlove, "Design features of small electron ring for study of recirculating space-charge-dominated beams," Fusion Engineering and Design 32-33, 293-298 (1996).
Conference Proceedings
- K. Hamilton, L. Dovlatyan, D. Matthew, D. Sutter, S. Bernal, T. Antonsen, and B. Beaudoin, "Implementing Traditional Longitudinal Beam Focusing in UMER," Proceedings of the 18th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Breckenridge, CO, August 2018, (New York: AIP Press, 2019).
- B. Beaudoin, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, and T. Antonsen, "Head and Tail Compression of an Electron Beam," Proceedings of the 18th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Breckenridge, CO, August 2018, (New York: AIP Press, 2018).
- B. Beaudoin, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, and T. Antonsen, "Multi-Stream Instability in UMER," Proceedings of the 18th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Breckenridge, CO, August 2018, (New York: AIP Press, 2018).
- H. Baumgartner, B. Beaudoin, I. Haber, T. Koeth, D. Matthew, and K.J. Ruisard, "Initial Tests of Nonlinear Quasi-Integrable Optics at the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2018, 3581 (2018).
- L. Dovlatyan, K. Ruisard, B. Beaudoin, and R. Kishek, "Steering Optimizations for the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2018, 4913 (2018).
- K.J. Ruisard, H. Baumgartner, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, B. Cannon, L. Dovlatyan, I. Haber, and T. Koeth, "Tuning Low-Current Beam for Nonlinear Quasi-Integrable Optics Experiments at the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2018, 3585 (2018).
- S. Bernal, B. Beaudoin, H. Baumgartner, S. Ehrenstein, I. Haber, T. Koeth, E. Montgomery, K. Ruissard, D. Sutter, D. Yun, and R.A. Kishek, "Ultra-low Current Beams in UMER to Model Space-Charge Effects in High-energy Proton and Ion Machines," Proceedings of the 17th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Washington, DC, August 2016, (New York: AIP Press 1812, 2017), p. 110006.
- R.A. Kishek and Moiz Siddiqi, "A Predictive Model for Multipactor based on Chaos Theory," Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Multipactor, Corona, and Passive Intermodulation (MULCOPIM 2017), Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Apr. 2017, (2017).
- Moiz Siddiqi and R.A. Kishek, "Validation of Map-Based Multipactor Theory using 3D Simulations," Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Multipactor, Corona, and Passive Intermodulation (MULCOPIM 2017), Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Apr. 2017, (2017).
- B. Beaudoin and I. Haber, "Experimental and Simulation Study of Barrier Compression on the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 17th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Washington, DC, August 2016, (New York: AIP Press, 2016).,
- R.A. Kishek, "The Nonlinear Structure of Multipactor," Proceedings of the 17th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Washington, DC, August 2016, (New York: AIP Press 1812, 2016).
- Kiersten Ruisard, Irving Haber, Timothy Koeth, Brian Beaudoin, David Matthew, and Heidi Baumgartner, "The University of Maryland Electron Ring distributed octupole lattice: marrying quasi-integrable optics with the FODO lattice," Proceedings of the 17th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Washington, DC, August 2016, (New York: AIP Press 1812, 2016).
- Moiz Siddiqi and R.A. Kishek, "Simulation of Ping-pong Multipactor with Continuous Electron Seeding," Proceedings of the 17th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Washington, DC, August 2016, (New York: AIP Press 1812, 2016).
- K.J. Ruisard, H. Baumgartner, B. Beaudoin, I. Haber, T.W. Koeth, and D.B. Matthew, "Early Tests and Simulation of Quasi-Integrable Octupole Lattices at the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 57th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity, High-Brightness and High-Power Hadron Beams, Malmo, Sweden, Jul 2016, 511 (2016).
- H. Baumgartner, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, I. Haber, T.W. Koeth, D.B. Matthew, K.J. Ruisard, and M.R. Teperman, "Quantification of Octupole Magnets at the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 2016 North American Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, IL, Oct 2016, 503 (2016).
- K.J. Ruisard, H. Baumgartner, B. Beaudoin, I. Haber, T.W. Koeth, and M.R. Teperman, "Experimental Plans for Single-Channel Strong Octupole Fields at the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 2016 North American Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, IL, Oct 2016, 507 (2016).
- Moiz Siddiqi and R.A. Kishek, "Simulation of Ping-pong Multipactor with Continuous Electron Seeding," Proceedings of the 2016 North American Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, IL, Oct 2016, 181 (2016).
- B.L. Beaudoin, I. Haber, and R.A. Kishek, "Barrier Shock Compression with Longitudinal Space Charge," Proceedings of the 2015 International Particle Accelerator Conference, Richmond, VA, USA, May 2015, 646 (2015).
- S. Bernal, "Conceptual Difficulties of a Thermodynamics Description of Charged-Particle Beams," Proceedings of the 2015 International Particle Accelerator Conference, Richmond, VA, USA, May 2015, 649 (2015).
- K.J. Ruisard, B.L. Beaudoin, I. Haber, and T. Koeth, "Simulations and experiments in Support of Octupole Lattice Studies at the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 2015 International Particle Accelerator Conference, Richmond, VA, USA, May 2015, 653 (2015).
- Brendan B. Godfrey, Jean-Luc Vay, and Irving Haber, "Numerical stability analysis of the pseudo-spectral analytical time-domain PIC algorithm," Journal of Computational Physics 258, 689-704 (2014).
- S. Bernal, B. Beaudoin, I. Haber, T. Koeth, Y. Mo, E. Montgomery, K. P. Rezaei, K. Ruisard, W. Stem, D. Sutter, H. Zhang, and R.A. Kishek, "Nonlinear Dynamics with Space-Charge in a Small Electron Recirculator," Proceedings of the 16th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), San Jose, CA, July 2014, (New York: AIP Press, 2014), p. 100003.
- K.J. Ruisard, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, and T. Koeth, "Nonlinear Optics at the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 16th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), San Jose, CA, July 2014, (New York: AIP Press, 2014).
- Rami A. Kishek, "A Global Approach for Analyzing Multipactor," Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Multipactor, Corona, and Passive Intermodulation (MULCOPIM 2014), Valencia, Spain, Sep. 2014, (2014).
- R. Fiorito, R. Kishek, A. Shkvarunets, D. Castronovo, M. Cornacchia, S. Di Mitri, M. Veronese, and C. Tschalaer, "Non-Invasive Optical Synchrotron Radiation Monitor Using A Mini-Chicane," Proceedings of the 2013 International Beam Instrumentation Conference, Oxford, UK, Sep 2013 (2013).
- B.L. Beaudoin, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, and T. Koeth, "Experimental Observations of a Multi-stream Instability in a Long Intense Beam," Proceedings of the 2013 International Particle Accelerator Conference, Shanghai, China, May 2013, 2044 (2013).
- Y.C. Mo, B.L. Beaudoin, D. Feldman, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, and P.G. O'Shea, "Experimental Study of Soliton Wave Trains in Electron Beams," Proceedings of the 2013 International Particle Accelerator Conference, Shanghai, China, May 2013, 1835 (2013).
- K.J. Ruisard, S. Bernal, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, and T. Koeth, "Design and Simulation of an Extraction Section for the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 2013 International Particle Accelerator Conference, Shanghai, China, May 2013, 1052 (2013).
- W. Stem, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, and T. Koeth, "Envelope Perturbations in a Space-charge-dominated Electron Beam," Proceedings of the 2013 International Particle Accelerator Conference, Shanghai, China, May 2013, 1712 (2013).
- S. Bernal, B.L. Beaudoin, M. Cornacchia, and D. Sutter, "Stability of Emittance vs. Space-Charge Dominated Beams in an Electron Recirculator," Proceedings of the 2013 North American Particle Accelerator Conference, Pasadena, CA, Sep/Oct 2013, 514 (2013).
- R.A. Kishek, B.L. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, M. Cornacchia, D. Feldman, R. Fiorito, I. Haber, T. Koeth, Y.C. Mo, K. Poor Rezaei, K.J. Ruisard, W. Stem, D. Sutter, and H.D. Zhang, "The University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER) Program - Recent Developments," Proceedings of the 2013 North American Particle Accelerator Conference, Pasadena, CA, Sep/Oct 2013, FROAA1 (2013).
- K. Poor Rezaei, R. Fiorito, and R.A. Kishek, "New Technique to Measure the Emittance of Beams with Space Charge," Proceedings of the 2013 North American Particle Accelerator Conference, Pasadena, CA, Sep/Oct 2013, 931 (2013).
- W. Stem, B.L. Beaudoin, I. Haber, and T. Koeth, "Experimental Detection of Envelope Resonance in a Space-Charge-Dominated Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 2013 North American Particle Accelerator Conference, Pasadena, CA, Sep/Oct 2013, 517 (2013).
- D.F. Sutter and B.L. Beaudoin, "Measurement of Plasma Wave Speed from Electron Beam End Erosion," Proceedings of the 2013 North American Particle Accelerator Conference, Pasadena, CA, Sep/Oct 2013, 520 (2013).
- H.D. Zhang, B.L. Beaudoin, and R.A. Kishek, "Experimental Study of Halo Formation in Space Charge Dominated Beam," Proceedings of the 2013 North American Particle Accelerator Conference, Pasadena, CA, Sep/Oct 2013, 1440 (2013).
- Alex Friedman, Ronald H. Cohen, David P. Grote, Steven M. Lund, William M. Sharp, Jean-Luc Vay, Irving Haber, and Rami A. Kishek, "Computational Methods in the Warp Code Framework for Kinetic Simulations of Particle Beams and Plasmas," Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Pulsed Power and Plasma Science Conference, San Francisco, CA, Jun 2013 (2013).
- R.A. Kishek, "Ping-Pong Modes: A New Form of Multipactor," Physical Review Letters 108, 035003 (2012).
- Invited: R.A. Kishek, B. Beaudoin, I. Haber, D. Feldman, T. Koeth, and Y. Mo, "Longitudinal Space Charge Phenomena in an Intense Beam in a Ring," Proceedings of the 52nd ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity and High-Brightness Hadron Beams, Beijing, China, Sep 2012, Paper ID, 447 (2012).
- H. Zhang, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, R. Fiorito, R. Kishek, K. Poor Rezaei, and A. Shkvarunets, "Beam Halo Measurements using Adaptive Masking Methods and Proposed Halo Experiment," Proceedings of the 52nd ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity and High-Brightness Hadron Beams, Beijing, China, Sep 2012, Paper ID, 215 (2012).
- S. Bernal, B.L. Beaudoin, M. Cornacchia, D. Sutter, and R.A. Kishek, "Beam Transport in Alternative Lattices at the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 2012 International Particle Accelerator Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, May 2012, 3993 (2012).
- Yichao Mo, B.L. Beaudoin, D. Feldman, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, and J.C.T. Thangaraj, "Experimental Observations of Large-amplitude Solitary Waves in Electron Beams," Proceedings of the 2012 International Particle Accelerator Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, May 2012, 1377 (2012).
- K.J. Ruisard, B.L. Beaudoin, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, and T. Koeth, "Design of an Electrostatic Extraction Section for the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 2012 International Particle Accelerator Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, May 2012, 2964 (2012).
- William Stem, B.L. Beaudoin, I. Haber, and T. Koeth, "Recovering Measured Dynamics from a DC Circulating Space-charge-dominated Storage Ring," Proceedings of the 2012 International Particle Accelerator Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, May 2012, 2967 (2012).
- Hao Zhang, R. Fiorito, A. Shkvarunets, T. Mitsuhashi, J. Corbett, A.S. Fisher, W. Mok, and K. Tian, "Injected Beam Imaging at SPEAR 3 with a Digital Optic Mask," Proceedings of the 2012 International Particle Accelerator Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, May 2012, 2116 (2012).
- I. Haber, B.L. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, R.A. Kishek, T. Koeth, and Y.C. Mo, "Experimental and Simulation Study of the Long-path-length Dynamics of a Space-charge-dominated Bunch," Proceedings of the 2012 Linear Accelerator Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel, Sep 2012, Paper ID, THPB061 (2012).
- Rami A. Kishek, "Bifurcation and Period-n Multipactor," Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Multipactor, Corona, and Passive Intermodulation (MULCOPIM 2011), Valencia, Spain, Sep. 2011, (2011).
- Invited: T. Koeth, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, and P.G. O'Shea, "Longitudinal Relaxation of a Space-Charge Dominated Bunch," Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, New York, NY, 22 (2011).
- B.L. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, K. Fiuza, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, T. Koeth, M. Reiser, D. Sutter, and P.G. O'Shea, "Space-Charge Effects in Bunched and Debunched Beams," Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, New York, NY, 85 (2011).
- S. Bernal, B.L. Beaudoin, T. Koeth, and P.G. O'Shea, "Smooth Approximation of Dispersion with Strong Space Charge," Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, New York, NY, 1665 (2011).
- R.A. Kishek, B.L. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, M. Cornacchia, K. Fiuza, I. Haber, T. Koeth, P.G. O'Shea, D.F. Sutter, and H. Zhang, "Advances in Modeling the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, New York, NY, 1585 (2011).
- W.M. Sharp, A. Friedman, D.P. Grote, J.J. Barnard, R.H. Cohen, M.A. Dorf, ..., R.C. Davidson, ..., I. Haber, and R.A. Kishek, "Inertial Fusion Driven by Heavy Ions," Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, New York, NY, 1386 (2011).
- D. Sutter, B.L. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, M. Cornacchia, R.A. Kishek, T. Koeth, P.G. O'Shea, and M. Reiser, "Current Dependent Tune Shifts in the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, New York, NY, 1668 (2011).
- E. Voorhies, R.A. Kishek, T.F. Koeth, S. Bernal, P.G. O'Shea, and I. Haber, "Design of a Compact, High-Resolution Analyzer for Longitudinal Energy Studies in the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, New York, NY, 571 (2011).
- H. Zhang, S. Bernal, R. Fiorito, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, A. Shkvarunets, S.V. Benson, D. Douglas, F.G. Wilson, and S. Zhang, "Beam Halo Measurements at UMER and the JLAB FEL using an Adaptive Masking Method," Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, New York, NY, 1449 (2011).
- B.L. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, T. Koeth, D. Sutter, and P.G. O'Shea, "Longitudinal Confinement of an Intense Beam Using Induction Focusing," Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Annapolis, MD, June 2010, (New York: AIP Press 1299, 2010), p. 603.
- S. Bernal, D. Sutter, B. Beaudoin, M. Cornacchia, K. Fiuza, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, T. Koeth, M. Reiser, and P.G. O'Shea, "Transverse Beam Physics in UMER - Update," Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Annapolis, MD, June 2010, (New York: AIP Press 1299, 2010), p. 580.
- Timothy W. Koeth, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, M. Reiser, and P.G. O'Shea, "Measurement & Simulation of Interpenetration and DC Accumulation in the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Annapolis, MD, June 2010, (New York: AIP Press 1299, 2010), p. 608.
- H.D. Zhang, R.B. Fiorito, A.G. Shkvarunets, S. Bernal, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, S. Artikova, and C. Welsch, "Beam Halo Imaging Using an Adaptive Optical Mask," Proceedings of the 2010 Beam Instrumentation Workshop, May 2008, Santa Fe, NM, (New York: AIP Press, 2010), p. WECNB03.
- B.L. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, M. Cornacchia, K. Fiuza, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, T.W. Koeth, M. Reiser, D.F. Sutter, H. Zhang, and P.G. O'Shea, "High Intensity Beam Physics at UMER," Proceedings of the 46th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity, High-Brightness Hadron Beams, Morschach, Switzerland, Sep 2010, 629 (2010).
- C. Welsch, S. Artikova, R. Fiorito, H. Zhang, and A. Shkvarunets, "Beam Halo Diagnostics for CTF3," Proceedings of the 2010 International Particle Accelerator Conference, Kyoto, Japan, May 2010, Paper ID, (2010).
- S. Bernal, D. Sutter, M. Cornacchia, B. Beaudoin, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, M. Reiser, C. Wu, and P.G. O'Shea, "Operational Studies of the 10 keV Electron Storage Ring UMER," Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Santa Cruz, CA, July/Aug, 2008, (New York: AIP Press 1086, 2009), p. 738.
- C. Papadopoulos, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, and P.G. OShea, "Numerical investigations of mismatch induced halos in intense charged particle beams," Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Santa Cruz, CA, July/Aug, 2008, (New York: AIP Press 1086, 2009), p. 744.
- O.V. Sinitsyn, G.S. Nusinovich, T.M. Antonsen, Jr., and R. Kishek, "Self-Consistent Non-Stationary Theory of Multipactor in DLA Structures," Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Santa Cruz, CA, July/Aug, 2008, (New York: AIP Press 1086, 2009), p. 392.
- Jayakar C.T. Thangaraj, Brian Beaudoin, Donald Feldman, Rami Kishek, Santiago Bernal, David Sutter, Martin Reiser, and Patrick O'Shea, "Generation and transport of space charge waves in the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Santa Cruz, CA, July/Aug, 2008, (New York: AIP Press 1086, 2009), p. 732.I
- B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, K. Fiuza, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, M. Reiser, D. Sutter, and J.C.T. Thangaraj, "Longitudinal Beam Bucket Studies for a Space-Charge Dominated Beam," Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, 4440 (2009).
- S. Bernal, B. Beaudoin, T. Koeth, M. Cornacchia, D. Sutter, K. Fiuza, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, C. Wu, C. Papadopoulos, M. Reiser, and P.G. O'Shea, "Resonance Phenomena Over a Broad Range of Beam Intensities in an Electron Storage Ring," Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, 4443 (2009).
- K. Fiuza, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, M. Reiser, P.G. O'Shea, and D.F. Sutter, "Modeling Acceleration of High-Intensity Space-Charge-Dominated Beams," Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, 4446 (2009).
- R.A. Kishek, D. Stratakis, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, M. Cornacchia, I. Haber, P.G. O'Shea, M. Reiser, D. Sutter, J.C.T. Thangaraj, and C. Wu, "Matching and Injection of Beams with Space Charge into the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, 4449 (2009).
- E.W. Nissen, B. Erdelyi, S. Bernal, and D.F. Sutter, "Single Particle Dynamics in the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, 3904 (2009).
- C.F. Papadopoulos, R. Fiorito, P.G. O'Shea, A. Shkvarunets, M. Conde, W. Gai, and J.G. Power, "Determination of True RMS Emittance from OTR Measurements," Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, 4072 (2009).
- C.F. Papadopoulos, S. Bernal, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, and M. Reiser, "Halo Regeneration in Intense Charged Particle Beams," Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, 4452 (2009).
- B.R. Poole, D.T. Blackfield, Y.-J. Chen, J.R. Harris, and P.G. O'Shea, "Space Charge Waves in Mismatched Beams," Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, 3272 (2009).
- O.V. Sinitsyn, T.M. Antonsen, R.A. Kishek, and G.S. Nusinovich, "Self-Consistent Non-Stationary Model for Multipactor Analysis in Dielectric-Loaded Accelerator Structures," Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, 4532 (2009).
- D. Stratakis, R.A. Kishek, R.B. Fiorito, K. Tian, I. Haber, M. Reiser, J.C.T. Thangaraj, and P.G. O'Shea, "Time-Dependent Phase-Space Mapping of Space-Charge-Dominated Beams," Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, 1928 (2009).
- D. Sutter, S. Bernal, C. Wu, M. Cornacchia, B. Beaudoin, K. Fiuza, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, M. Reiser, and P.G. O'Shea, "Coherent Phenomenon Over a Range of Beam Intensities in the Storage Ring UMER," Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, 4455 (2009).
- K. Tian, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, M. Reiser, and D. Stratakis, "Effects of Transverse Physics on Nonlinear Evolution of Longitudinal Space-Charge Waves in Beams," Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, 4418 (2009).
- C. Wu, E.H. Abed, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, K. Fiuza, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, M. Reiser, and D. Sutter, "A Novel Beam Steering Algorithm Using Orbit Response Matrix," Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, 4829 (2009).
- J.C.T. Thangaraj, B.L. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, D. Feldman, R. Feldman, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, C. Papadopoulos, M. Reiser, D. Stratakis, and D. Sutter, "Space charge waves as a diagnostic to measure transverse beam size of space charge dominated beams," Proceedings of the 2008 Beam Instrumentation Workshop, May 2008, Lake Tahoe, CA, (New York: AIP Press, 2008), p. 149.
- K. Fiuza, S. Bernal, I. Haber, and R.A. Kishek, "Simulating a UMER Beam Position Monitor," Proceedings of the 2008 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Genoa, Italy, June 2008, 1104 (2008).
- C. Papadopoulos, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, and M. Reiser, "Simulation studies of halo creation and regeneration in intense charged particle beams," Proceedings of the 42nd ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity, High-Brightness Hadron Beams, Nashville, TN, Aug 2008, 78 (2008).
- C. Wu, E. Abed, B.L. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, M. Reiser, and D.F. Sutter, "Linear Resonance Analysis of Beams with Intense Space Charge in the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 42nd ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity, High-Brightness Hadron Beams, Nashville, TN, Aug 2008, 165 (2008).
- Invited: R.A. Kishek, G. Bai, S. Bernal, D. Feldman, T.F. Godlove, I. Haber, P.G. O'Shea, B. Quinn, C. Papadopoulos, M. Reiser, D. Stratakis, K. Tian, C.J. Tobin, and M. Walter, "Scaled Models: Space-Charge Dominated Electron Storage Rings," The Physics and Applications of High Brightness Electron Beams, Proc. 46th Workshop of the INFN ELOISATRON Project, Erice, Italy 9-15 October, 2005, ed. L. Palumbo, J. Rosenzweig, and L. Serafini, World Scientific, 148-161 (2007).
- Invited: R.A. Kishek, G. Bai, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, D. Feldman, R. Feldman, R. Fiorito, T.F. Godlove, I. Haber, T. Langford, P.G. O'Shea, B. Quinn, C. Papadopoulos, M. Reiser, D. Stratakis, D. Sutter, K. Tian, J.C.T. Thangaraj, M. Walter, and C. Wu, "The University of Maryland Electron ring (UMER) Enters a New Regime of High-Tune-Shift Rings," Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Albuquerque, NM, ed. C. Petit-Jean-Genaz, IEEE Cat. No. 07CH37866, 820 (2007).
- Invited: D. Stratakis, R.A. Kishek, I. Haber, M. Walter, R.B. Fiorito, S. Bernal, J.C.T. Thangaraj, K. Tian, C. Papadopoulos, M. Reiser, and P.G. OShea, "Phase Space Tomography of Beams with Extreme Space Charge," Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Albuquerque, NM, ed. C. Petit-Jean-Genaz, IEEE Cat. No. 07CH37866, 2025 (2007).
- B.L. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, M. Reiser, J.C.T. Thangaraj, K. Tian, M. Walter, and C. Wu, "Application of Induction Module for Energy Perturbations in the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Albuquerque, NM, ed. C. Petit-Jean-Genaz, IEEE Cat. No. 07CH37866, 2322 (2007).
- S. Bernal, B. Beaudoin, R.A. Kishek, M. Reiser, D. Sutter, and P.G. O'Shea, "Low-current, Space-Charge Dominated Beam Transport at the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Albuquerque, NM, ed. C. Petit-Jean-Genaz, IEEE Cat. No. 07CH37866, 3561 (2007).
- R.B. Fiorito, B.L. Beaudoin, S. Casey, D. Feldman, P.G. O'Shea, and B. Quinn, "OTR Measurements of the 10 keV Electron Beam at the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Albuquerque, NM, ed. C. Petit-Jean-Genaz, IEEE Cat. No. 07CH37866, 4006 (2007).
- I. Haber, S. Bernal, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, C. Papadopoulos, M. Reiser, R. B. Feldman, D. Stratakis, M. Walter, J.-L. Vay, A. Friedman, and D.P. Grote, "Measurement and Simulation of Source-Generated Halos in the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Albuquerque, NM, ed. C. Petit-Jean-Genaz, IEEE Cat. No. 07CH37866, 3564 (2007).
- J.R. Harris, R.B. Feldman, and P.G. O'Shea, "Transverse-Longitudinal Coupling in an Intense Electron Beam," Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Albuquerque, NM, ed. C. Petit-Jean-Genaz, IEEE Cat. No. 07CH37866, 3597 (2007).
- C. Papadopoulos, G. Bai, R.A. Kishek, I. Haber, M. Walter, B. Beaudoin, P.G. O'Shea, and M. Reiser, "Modeling Skew Quadrupole Effects on the UMER Beam," Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Albuquerque, NM, ed. C. Petit-Jean-Genaz, IEEE Cat. No. 07CH37866, 3567 (2007).
- J.C.T. Thangaraj, G. Bai, B.L. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, D. Feldman, R. Fiorito, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, M. Reiser, D. Stratakis, K. Tian, and M. Walter, "Evolution of Laser Induced Perturbation and Experimental Observation of Space Charge Waves in the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Albuquerque, NM, ed. C. Petit-Jean-Genaz, IEEE Cat. No. 07CH37866, 3570 (2007).
- K. Tian, G. Bai, B.L. Beaudoin, D. Feldman, R.B. Fiorito, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, M. Reiser, D. Stratakis, D. Sutter, J.C.T. Thangaraj, M. Walter, and C. Wu, "Fast Imaging of Time-dependent Distributions of Intense Beams," Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Albuquerque, NM, ed. C. Petit-Jean-Genaz, IEEE Cat. No. 07CH37866, 3573 (2007).
- M. Walter, G. Bai, B.L. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, D. Feldman, T. Godlove, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, C. Papadopoulos, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, D. Stratakis, J.C.T. Thangaraj, and C. Wu, "Beam Extraction Concepts and Design for the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Albuquerque, NM, ed. C. Petit-Jean-Genaz, IEEE Cat. No. 07CH37866, 1754 (2007).
- M. Walter, G. Bai, B.L. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, D. Feldman, T. Godlove, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, C. Papadopoulos, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, D. Stratakis, D. Sutter, J.C.T. Thangaraj, and C. Wu, "Multi-turn Operation of the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Albuquerque, NM, ed. C. Petit-Jean-Genaz, IEEE Cat. No. 07CH37866, 1751 (2007).
- C. Wu, E. Abed, G. Bai, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, I. Haber, R. Kishek, P. O'Shea, M. Reiser, D. Stratakis, D. Sutter, K. Tian, and M. Walter, "A Robust Orbit-Steering and Control Algorithm Using Quadrupole-scans as a Diagnostic," Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Albuquerque, NM, ed. C. Petit-Jean-Genaz, IEEE Cat. No. 07CH37866, 509 (2007)..
- Invited: S. Bernal, G. Bai, B. Beaudoin, D. Feldman, R. Feldman, R. Fiorito, T.F. Godlove, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, C. Papadopoulos, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, D. Stratakis, D. Sutter, K. Tian, J.C.T. Thangaraj, M. Walter, C. Wu, and P.G. O'Shea, "New Developments In Space-Charge Beam Physics Research at the University Of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Lake Geneva, WI, 10-15 July, 2006, ed., Manoel Conde and Catherine Eyberger, (New York: AIP Press 877, 2006), p. 94.
- G. Bai, R.A. Kishek, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, D. Feldman, T. Godlove, I. Haber, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, D. Sutter, M. Walter, and P.G. O'Shea, "Modeling and Experiments on Injection into University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Lake Geneva, WI, 10-15 July, 2006, ed., Manoel Conde and Catherine Eyberger, (New York: AIP Press 877, 2006), p. 582.
- C. Papadopoulos, R.A. Kishek, I. Haber, P.G. O'Shea, and M. Reiser, "Rotational Mismatches and Emittance Growth for the UMER Beam," Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Lake Geneva, WI, 10-15 July, 2006, ed., Manoel Conde and Catherine Eyberger, (New York: AIP Press 877, 2006), p. 227.
- D. Stratakis, R.A. Kishek, H. Li, S. Bernal, M. Walter, I. Haber, R. Fiorito, J.C.T. Thangaraj, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, and P.G. O'Shea, "Phase Space Tomography: A Simple, Portable and Accurate Technique to Map Phase Spaces of Beams with Space Charge," Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Lake Geneva, WI, 10-15 July, 2006, ed., Manoel Conde and Catherine Eyberger, (New York: AIP Press 877, 2006), p. 680.
- Jayakar C.T. Thangaraj, R.A. Kishek, S. Bernal, M. Reiser, D. Stratakis, M. Walter, B. Quinn, D. Sutter, B. Beaudoin, C. Papadopoulos, G. Bai, C. Wu, and P.G. O'Shea, "Beam Injection and Matching Studies at the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Lake Geneva, WI, 10-15 July, 2006, ed., Manoel Conde and Catherine Eyberger, (New York: AIP Press 877, 2006), p. 687.
- K. Tian, Y. Zou, Y. Cui, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, M. Reiser, and P.G. O'Shea, "Experimental Observations of Beam Fluctuations in Space-Charge Dominated Beams," Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Lake Geneva, WI, 10-15 July, 2006, ed., Manoel Conde and Catherine Eyberger, (New York: AIP Press 877, 2006), p. 461.
- M. Walter, G. Bai, S. Bernal, D. Feldman, T. Godlove, I. Haber, M. Holloway, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, C. Papadopoulos, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, D. Stratakis, D. Sutter, J. Thangaraj, M. Wilson, and C. Wu, "Beam Control and Steering in the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Lake Geneva, WI, 10-15 July, 2006, ed., Manoel Conde and Catherine Eyberger, (New York: AIP Press 877, 2006), p. 701.
- D. Stratakis, R.A. Kishek, H. Li, S. Bernal, M. Walter, J. Tobin, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, and P.G. O'Shea, "Transverse Phase Space Reconstruction and Emittance Measurement of Intense Electron Beam Using A Tomography Technique," Proceedings of the 12th Beam Instrumentation Workshop (BIW), Batavia, IL, 1-4 May 2006, ed., Thomas S. Meyer and Robert Webber, (New York: AIP Press 868, 2006), p. 497.
- R.A. Kishek, G. Bai, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, D. Feldman, R. Fiorito, T.F. Godlove, I. Haber, P.G. O'Shea, B. Quinn, C. Papadopoulos, M. Reiser, D. Stratakis, D. Sutter, K. Tian, J.C.T. Thangaraj, M. Walter, and C. Wu, "Benchmarking Space Charge Codes Against UMER Experiments," Proceedings of the 2006 International Computational Accelerator Physics Conference (ICAP), Chamonix, France, Oct 2006 WEA3MP03, 263 (2006).
- Invited: S. Bernal, G. Bai, B. Beaudoin, D. Feldman, R. Feldman, R. Fiorito, T.F. Godlove, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, C. Papadopoulos, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, D. Stratakis, D. Sutter, K. Tian, T.C.J. Tobin, M. Walter, C. Wu, and P.G. O'Shea, "Space-charge Beam Physics Research at the University Of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 22nd ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity & High Brightness Hadron Beams, Tsukuba, Japan, May 2006 WEAX05, 218 (2006).
- G. Bai, S. Bernal, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, T.C.J. Tobin, M. Walter, and P.G. O'Shea, "Refined Calculation of Beam Dynamics During UMER Injection," Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, ed. C. Horak, IEEE Cat. No. 05CH37623C, 3733 (2005).
- S. Bernal, H. Li, G. Bai, R.A. Kishek, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, M. Walter, and P.G. O'Shea, "Strongly Asymmetric Beams at the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, ed. C. Horak, IEEE Cat. No. 05CH37623C, 892 (2005).
- S. Bernal, G. Bai, D. Feldman, R. Feldman, T.F. Godlove, I. Haber, J. Harris, M. Holloway, R.A. Kishek, J. Neumann, C. Papadopoulos, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, D. Stratakis, K. Tian, T.C.J. Tobin, M. Walter, M. Wilson, and P.G. O'Shea, "Commissioning of the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, ed. C. Horak, IEEE Cat. No. 05CH37623C, 469 (2005).
- I. Haber, S. Bernal, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, M. Reiser, Y. Zou, A. Friedman, D.P. Grote, and J.-L. Vay, "Computer Simulation of the UMER Gridded Gun," Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, ed. C. Horak, IEEE Cat. No. 05CH37623C, 2908 (2005).
- J. Harris, R. Feldman, D. Feldman, Y. Huo, J. Neumann, B. Quinn, and P.G. OShea, "Longitudinal Dynamics in the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, ed. C. Horak, IEEE Cat. No. 05CH37623C, 713 (2005).
- M. Holloway, T. F. Godlove, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, and P.G. O'Shea, "Injector Electronics for Multi-turn Operation of the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, ed. C. Horak, IEEE Cat. No. 05CH37623C, 3952 (2005).
- R.A. Kishek, G. Bai, S. Bernal, T.F. Godlove, I. Haber, P.G. O'Shea, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, C. Tobin, and M. Walter, "Significance of the Earth Magnetic Field on Dispersive Characteristics of a Low Energy Electron Beam," Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, ed. C. Horak, IEEE Cat. No. 05CH37623C, 3691 (2005).
- B. Quinn, G. Bai, S. Bernal, T. Godlove, I. Haber, M. Holloway, J. Harris, T. Kai, R.A. Kishek, J. Neumann, M. Reiser, M. Walter, and P.G. OShea, "Overview of Electrical Systems for the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, ed. C. Horak, IEEE Cat. No. 05CH37623C, 3988 (2005).
- K. Tian, Y. Zou, Y. Cui, M. Reiser, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, and P.G. O'Shea, "Study of Longitudinal Space-Charge Wave Dynamics in Space-Charge Dominated Beams," Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, ed. C. Horak, IEEE Cat. No. 05CH37623C, 3712 (2005).
- J.R. Harris, J.G. Neumann, and P.G. O'Shea, "Modulation of Intense Beams in the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 2005 Free-Electron Laser Conference, Stanford, CA, August 21-26 (2005).
- Invited: R.A. Kishek, S. Bernal, Y. Cui, T.F. Godlove, I. Haber, J. Harris, Y. Huo, H. Li, P.G. O'Shea, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, M. Walter, and Y. Zou, "Space Charge Simulations of First-Turn Experiments on the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 21st ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity & High Brightness Hadron Beams, Bensheim, Germany, October 2004, ed., I. Hofmann, J.-M. Lagniel, and R.W. Hasse, (New York: AIP Press 773, 2005), p. 147.
- M. Walter, G. Bai, S. Bernal, I. Haber, M. Holloway, R.A. Kishek, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, and P.G. O'Shea, "Alignment and Steering for Injection and Multi-Turn Operation of the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, ed. C. Horak, IEEE Cat. No. 05CH37623C, 1709 (2005).
- S. Bernal, H. Li, Y. Cui, D. Feldman, T. Godlove, I. Haber, Y. Huo, J. Harris, R.A. Kishek, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, M. Walter, M. Wilson, Y. Zou, and P.G. O'Shea, "The University of Maryland Electron Ring: A Model Recirculator for Intense Beam Physics Research," Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Stony Brook, NY, June 21-26, 2004, ed., Vitaly Yakimenko, (New York: AIP Press 737, 2004), p. 670.
- R.A. Kishek, S. Bernal, I. Haber, H. Li, P.G. O'Shea, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, and M. Walter, "Beam Halo from Quadrupole Rotation Errors," Proceedings of the 29th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on Beam Halo Dynamics, Diagnostics, and Collimation, Montauk, NY, May 2003, ed., J. Wei, W. Fischer, and P. Manning, (New York: AIP Press 693, 2003), p. 89.
- C.L. Bohn, I.V. Sideris, H.E. Kandrup, and R.A. Kishek, "Mixing of Regular and Chaotic Orbits in Beams," Proceedings of the 2002 Linac Conference, Gyeongju, August 2002, CD-ROM ISBN: 89-954175-0-1 98420, 2003), p. 391.
- S. Bernal, B. Beaudoin, Y. Cui, A. Diep, T. Godlove, I. Haber, J. Harris, R.A. Kishek, D. Lamb, H. Li, M. Glanzer, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, A. Valfells, M. Walter, M. Wilson, R. Yun, Y. Zou, and P.G. O'Shea, "Beam Transport Experiments over a Single Turn at the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Portland, OR, edited by J. Chew, P. Lucas and S. Webber, IEEE Cat. No. 03CH37423C, 426 (2003).
- Y. Cui, Y. Zou, I. Haber, R. Kishek, A. Valfells, M. Reiser, and P.G. O'Shea, "Experimental Study of Beam Energy Spread in the Space-Charge Dominated Beams," Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Portland, OR, edited by J. Chew, P. Lucas and S. Webber, IEEE Cat. No. 03CH37423C, 3156 (2003).
- D.W. Feldman, M. Virgo, P.G. O'Shea, and K.L. Jensen, "Development of Dispenser Cathodes for RF Photoinjectors," Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Portland, OR, edited by J. Chew, P. Lucas and S. Webber, IEEE Cat. No. 03CH37423C, 3323 (2003).
- I. Haber, S. Bernal, R. A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, M. Reiser, A. Friedman, D.P. Grote, and J.-L. Vay, "Space-Charge-Dominated Phenomena in the Source Region," Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Portland, OR, edited by J. Chew, P. Lucas and S. Webber, IEEE Cat. No. 03CH37423C, 2673 (2003).
- J. Harris, A. Valfells, B. Quinn, S. Bernal, I. Haber, M. Walter, A. Diep, M. Reiser, and P. G. O'Shea, "Initial Studies of Longitudinal Beam Dynamics on UMER," Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Portland, OR, edited by J. Chew, P. Lucas and S. Webber, IEEE Cat. No. 03CH37423C, 2312 (2003).
- J.W. Kwan, J.-L. Vay, F.M. Bieniosek, E. Halaxa, G. Westenskow, and I. Haber, "Beam Optics of a 10-cm Diameter High Current Heavy Ion Diode," Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Portland, OR, edited by J. Chew, P. Lucas and S. Webber, IEEE Cat. No. 03CH37423C, 3297 (2003).
- H. Li, R.A. Kishek, S. Bernal, T. Godlove, M. Walter, P.G. O'Shea, and M. Reiser, "Beam optics design on a new injection scheme for the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Portland, OR, edited by J. Chew, P. Lucas and S. Webber, IEEE Cat. No. 03CH37423C, 1676 (2003).
- J. Neumann, D. Demske, R.B. Fiorito, P. O'Shea G.L. Carr, H. Loos, B. Sheehy, and X. Wang, "Study of Coherent Radiation from an Electron Beam Pre-bunched at the Photocathode," Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Portland, OR, edited by J. Chew, P. Lucas and S. Webber, IEEE Cat. No. 03CH37423C, 1497 (2003).
- B. Quinn, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, D. Cohen, A. Diep, W. Lee, M. Glanzer, M. Qurius, M. Reiser, M. Walter, and P.G. O'Shea, "Design and Calibration of a Fast Beam Position Monitor," Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Portland, OR, edited by J. Chew, P. Lucas and S. Webber, IEEE Cat. No. 03CH37423C, 2571 (2003).
- P.A. Seidl, D. Boca, F.M. Bieniosek, C.M. Celata, A. Faltens, L.R. Prost, G. Sabbi, W.L. Waldron, R. Cohen, A. Friedman, S.M. Lund, A.W. Molvik, and I. Haber, "The High Current Transport Experiment for Heavy Ion Inertial Fusion," Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Portland, OR, edited by J. Chew, P. Lucas and S. Webber, IEEE Cat. No. 03CH37423C, 536 (2003).
- M. Walter, S. Bernal, A. Diep, M. Glanzer, I. Haber, J. Harris, R.A. Kishek, D. Lamb, W. Lee, H. Li, B. Quinn, M. Qurius, A. Valfells, M. Reiser, and P.G. O'Shea, "Alignment of Components at the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Portland, OR, edited by J. Chew, P. Lucas and S. Webber, IEEE Cat. No. 03CH37423C, 2577 (2003).
- M. Walter, D. Lamb, S. Bernal, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, H. Li, B. Quinn, M. Snowel, A. Valfells, M. Reiser, and P.G. O'Shea, "Time Resolved Emittance Measurement in the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Portland, OR, edited by J. Chew, P. Lucas and S. Webber, IEEE Cat. No. 03CH37423C, 2574 (2003).
- M. Walter, S. Bernal, T. Godlove, I. Haber, R.A. Kishek, H. Li, B. Quinn, A. Valfells, Y. Zou, M. Reiser, and P.G. O'Shea, "Electro-mechanical Design for Injection in the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Portland, OR, edited by J. Chew, P. Lucas and S. Webber, IEEE Cat. No. 03CH37423C, 1673 (2003).
- Y. Zou, Y. Cui, M. Reiser, and P.G. O'Shea, "Space-Charge Effect in Retarding Field Energy Analyzer," Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Portland, OR, edited by J. Chew, P. Lucas and S. Webber, IEEE Cat. No. 03CH37423C, 511 (2003).
- Y. Cui, Y. Zou, R.A. Kishek, and A. Valfells, "New Energy Analyzer Design and Preliminary Study on the Space-Charge Effect in the Energy Analyzer," Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts, Mandalay Beach, Oxnard, CA, (2002).
- J. Neumann and P.G. O'Shea, "Study of Electron Beam Modulation as a Seed for Coherent Synchrotron Radiation," Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts, Mandalay Beach, Oxnard, CA, (2002).
- P.G. O'Shea, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, Y. Cui, A. Diep, D. Feldman, M. Glanzer, T.F. Godlove, I. Haber, J. Harris, M. Holloway, D. Lamb, R.A. Kishek, H. Li, W. Lee, S. Martin, J. Neumann, B. Quinn, P.G O'Shea, M. Qurius, M. Reiser, M. Snowel, A. Valfells, M. Virgo, M. Walter, R. Yun, and Y. Zou, "Intense Beam Experiments at the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts, Mandalay Beach, Oxnard, CA, (2002).
- Y. Zou and Y. Cui, "Development of a compact high-resolution retarding field energy analyzer for space-charge-dominated electron beams," Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts, Mandalay Beach, Oxnard, CA, (2002).
- C.L. Bohn, I.V. Sideris, H.E. Kandrup, and R.A. Kishek, "Phase Mixing of Chaotic Orbits as an Irreversible 'Relaxation' Mechanism," Proceedings of the CSR Workshop, Germany, Jan. 11, 2002, (2002).
- R.A. Kishek, S. Bernal, M. Venturini, M. Reiser, and I. Haber, "Unique features of the University of Maryland Electron Ring and the Necessity of PIC code simulation," Proceedings of the 1998 International Computational Accelerator Physics Conference (ICAP), SLAC-R-580, eConf C980914, 55 (2002).
- R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, M. Reiser, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, Y. Cui, A. Diep, D. Feldman, M. Glanzer, T. F. Godlove, I. Haber, J. Harris, H. Li, J. Neumann, B. Quinn, M. Qurius, M. Snowel, A. Valfells, M. Virgo, M. Walter, R. Yun, and Y. Zou, "Intense Beam Experiments at the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity & High Brightness Hadron Beams, Fermilab, Batavia, IL, April 2002, ed., W. Chou, Y. Mori, D. Neuffer, and J. Ostiguy, (New York: AIP Press 642, 2002), p. 319.
- S. Bernal, P.G. O'Shea, R.A. Kishek, and M. Reiser, "Aperture Effects in Intense Beams," Proceedings of 9th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Santa Fe, New Mexico, June 10-16, 2000, (New York: AIP Press 569, 2001), p. 544.
- P.G. O'Shea, M. Reiser, R.A. Kishek, S. Bernal, H. Li, M. Pruessner, M. Virgo, V. Yun, W. Zhang, T. Godlove, D. Kehne, P. Haldemann, and I. Haber, "UMER: The University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of 9th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC), Santa Fe, New Mexico, June 10-16, 2000, (New York: AIP Press 569, 2001), p. 405.
- R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, and M. Reiser, "Energy Transfer Mechanisms and Equipartitioning in non-Equilibrium Space-Charge Dominated Beams," Proceedings of the 2000 Linac Conference, Monterrey, (2001).I
- Invited: J. J. Barnard, L. E. Ahle, A. Friedman, ..., I. Haber, ..., R. A. Kishek, et al., "Progress in Heavy Ion Driven Inertial Fusion Energy: From Scaled Experiments to the Integrated Research Experiment," Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, IL, edited by P. Lucas and S. Weber, IEEE Cat. No. 01CH37268, 314 (2001).
- Invited: P.G. O'Shea, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, Y.P. Cui, D.W. Feldman, M. Glanzer, T.F. Godlove, J. Harris, M. Holland, R.A. Kishek, H. Li, B. Quinn, N. Rahimi, M. Reiser, A. Valfells, M. Virgo, M. Walter, R. Yun, V. Yun, D. Kehne, and I. Haber, "The University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, IL, edited by P. Lucas and S. Weber, IEEE Cat. No. 01CH37268, 159 (2001).
- S. Bernal, H. Li, M. Virgo, S.P. Kwon, M. Holland, R.A. Kishek, A. Valfells, T. Godlove, P.G. O'Shea, M. Reiser and V. Yun, and D. Kehne, "Beam Test of the 10 KeV Injector for the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, IL, edited by P. Lucas and S. Weber, IEEE Cat. No. 01CH37268, 2129 (2001).
- Y. Cui, S. Bernal, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, N. Rahimi, M. Reiser, A. Valfells, and V. Yun, "Design Studies for an Experiment to Measure Energy Spread Evolution Through a Solenoidal Focusing System," Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, IL, edited by P. Lucas and S. Weber, IEEE Cat. No. 01CH37268, 2976 (2001).
- D.W. Feldman, A. Valfells, J. Neumann, J. Harris, B. Beaudoin, and P.G. O'Shea, "Combined Thermionic and Photoelectric Emission From Dispenser Cathodes," Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, IL, edited by P. Lucas and S. Weber, IEEE Cat. No. 01CH372681, 2132 (2001).
- I. Haber, S. Bernal, R.A Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, M. Reiser, A. Valfells, and D.P. Grote, "Computer Simulation of the UMER Electron Gun," Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, IL, edited by P. Lucas and S. Weber, IEEE Cat. No. 01CH37268, 2952 (2001).
- J. Harris, S. Bernal, P. G. O'Shea, M. Pruessner, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, and V. Yun, "A Fast Beam Position Monitor for UMER," Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, IL, edited by P. Lucas and S. Weber, IEEE Cat. No. 01CH37268, 1387 (2001).
- R.A. Kishek, C. L. Bohn, I. Haber, P. G. O'Shea, M. Reiser, and H. Kandrup, "Computational Investigation of Dissipation and Reversibility of Space-Charge Driven Processes in Beams," Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, IL, edited by P. Lucas and S. Weber, IEEE Cat. No. 01CH37268, 151-153 (2001).
- H. Li, S. Bernal, R.A. Kishek, T. Godlove, P.G. O'Shea, and M. Reiser, "Printed-Circuit Magnets for the University of Maryland Election Ring (UMER)-New Developments," Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, IL, edited by P. Lucas and S. Weber, IEEE Cat. No. 01CH37268, 1802 (2001).
- C.P. Neuman, G.L. Carr, W.S. Graves, and P.G. O'Shea, "Measurement of Coherent Off-Axis Undulator Radiation as a Beam Diagnostic," Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, IL, edited by P. Lucas and S. Weber, IEEE Cat. No. 01CH37268, 2368 (2001).
- A. Shkvarunets, J. Harris, J. Neumann, D. Feldman, P. O'Shea, and R. Fiorito, "The Application of OTR-ODR Interferometry to the Measurement of the Divergence of Low Energy Electron Beams," Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, IL, edited by P. Lucas and S. Weber, IEEE Cat. No. 01CH37268, 1285 (2001).
- A. Valfells, S. Bernal, Y.P. Cui, R.A. Kishek, P.G. O'Shea, B. Quinn, M. Reiser, M. Virgo, V. Yun, and M. Nishiura, "Energy Analyzer Experiments for the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, IL, edited by P. Lucas and S. Weber, IEEE Cat. No. 01CH37268, 3582 (2001).
- M. Virgo, R.A. Kishek, S. Bernal, H. Li, M. Walter, T.F. Godlove, M. Reiser, P.G. O'Shea, and D. Kehne, "Controls and Alignment for the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, IL, edited by P. Lucas and S. Weber, IEEE Cat. No. 01CH37268, 1177 (2001).
- C.L. Bohn, H.E. Kandrup, and R.A. Kishek," Proceedings of Snowmass 2001, Snowmass, CO, edited by C. M. Sazama, eConf C01/06/30, M302 (2001).
- R.A. Kishek, M. Reiser, P. O'Shea, M. Venturini, and W.W. Zhang, "Errors, resonances, and corrections in the space-charge-dominated beam of the University of Maryland electron ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 2nd ICFA Advanced Accelerator Workshop, The Physics of High Brightness Beams, Eds. J. Rosenzweig & L. Serafini, World Scientific, 297-308 (2000).
- S. Bernal, R.A. Kishek, M. Reiser, and I. Haber, "Observations and Simulations of Particle-Density Perturbations in an Apertured, Space-Charge Dominated Electron Beam," Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, New York City, NY, 1749 (1999).
- A. Friedman, J.J. Barnard, C.M. Celata, et al., I. Haber, and R. A. Kishek, "Beam Dynamics Studies for Heavy Ion Fusion Drivers," Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, New York City, NY, 1830 (1999).
- T.F. Godlove, P. Haldemann, D. Kehne, S. Bernal, P. Chin, R. Kishek, Y. Li, M. Reiser, M. Venturini, J.G. Wang, W.W. Zhang, Y. Zou, and I. Haber, "The 10 keV Injector for the University of Maryland Electron Ring Project," Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, New York City, NY, 1970 (1999).
- R.A. Kishek, S. Bernal, Y. Li, M. Reiser, M. Venturini, I. Haber, and T. F. Godlove, "Simulations of Collective Effects in the Space-Charge Dominated Beam of the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, New York City, NY, 1758 (1999).
- R.A. Kishek, J.J. Barnard, and D.P. Grote, "Effects of Quadrupole Rotations on the Transport of Space-Charge-Dominated Beams: Theory and Simulations comparing Linacs with Circular Machines," Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, New York City, NY, 1761 (1999).
- Y. Li, T. Godlove, R. Kishek, M. Venturini, P. Chin, Y. Zou, J.G. Wang, and M. Reiser, "Design, simulation and test of Panofsky quadrupoles," Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, New York City, NY, 3369 (1999).
- Y. Li, R. Kishek, J.G. Wang, and M. Reiser, "Calculation of Particle Motions at the Head and Tail of a Bunch for the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, New York City, NY, 1656 (1999).
- M. Reiser, P.G. O'Shea, R.A. Kishek, S. Bernal, S. Guharay, Y. Li, M. Venturini, J.G. Wang, V. Yun, W. Zhang, Y. Zou, M. Pruessner, T. Godlove, D. Kehne, P. Haldemann, R. York, D. Lawton, L.G. Vorobiev, I. Haber, and H. Nishimura, "The Maryland Electron Ring for Investigating Space-Charge Dominated Beams in a Circular FODO System," Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, New York City, NY, 234 (1999).
- M. Venturini, R.A. Kishek, and M. Reiser, "The problem of dispersion matching in space charge dominated beams," Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, New York City, NY, 3274 (1999).
- J.G. Wang, Y. Zou, and M. Reiser, "Observations of Nonlinear Behavior of Localized Space-Charged Waves in Space-Charge Dominated Electron Beams," Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, New York City, NY, 1659 (1999).
- W.W. Zhang, S. Bernal, P. Chin, R. Kishek, M. Reiser, M. Venturini, J. G. Wang, and V. Yun, "Magnetic Field Measurement of Printed-Circuit Quadrupoles and Dipoles," Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, New York City, NY, 3372 (1999).
- Y. Zou, J.G. Wang, Y. Li, and M. Reiser, "Development of a Prototype Capacitive BPM," Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, New York City, NY, 2102 (1999).
- I. Haber, S. Bernal, A. Friedman, D.P. Grote, R.A. Kishek, and S.M. Lund, "Warm Plasma Oscillations in a Space-Charge-Dominated Beam," Proceedings of Workshop on Space Charge Dominated Beam Physics for Heavy Ion Fusion, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), Wako-shi, Saitama, Japan, (1999).
- R.A. Kishek, I. Haber, M. Venturini, and M. Reiser, "PIC Code simulations of the space-charge dominated beam in the University of Maryland Electron Ring," Proceedings of Workshop on Space-Charge Physics in High Intensity Hadron Ring at Shelter Island, NY, 1998, (New York: AIP Press 448, 1998), p. 371.
- M. Venturini, R.A. Kishek, and M. Reiser, "Dispersion and space-charge," Proceedings of Workshop on Space-Charge Physics in High Intensity Hadron Ring at Shelter Island, NY, 1998, (New York: AIP Press 448, 1998), p. 278.
- J.G. Wang, S. Bernal, P. Chin, R. Kishek, et al., "Development of the University of Maryland Electron-Ring for study of space-charge physics in a circular lattice," Proceedings of Workshop on Space-Charge Physics in High Intensity Hadron Ring at Shelter Island, NY, 1998, (New York: AIP Press 448, 1998), p. 189.
- J.J. Deng, J.G. Wang, M. Reiser, and T. Godlove, "Longitudinal focusing of space-charge dominated beams in the UMD Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, 1956 (1998).
- T.F. Godlove, S. Bernal, J.J. Deng, Y. Li, M. Reiser, J.G. Wang, and Y. Zou, "Injector design for a model electron ring at the University of Maryland," Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, 1959 (1998).
- R.A. Kishek and Y.Y. Lau, "Multipactor Discharge on a Dielectric," Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, 3198 (1998).
- H. Suk, J.G. Wang, S. Bernal, and M. Reiser, "Development of a resistive beam position/current monitor for the UMD Electron Ring," Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, 2143 (1998).
- H. Suk, J.G. Wang, Y. Zou, S. Bernal, and M. Reiser, "Preliminary measurement of energy-spread change resulting from the resistive-wall instability," Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, 1650 (1998).
- M. Venturini and M. Reiser, "KV-beam in a dispersive channel," Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, 1953 (1998).
- J.G. Wang, S. Bernal, P. Chin, J.J. Deng, Y. Li, M. Reiser, H. Suk, M. Venturini, Y. Zou, T. Godlove, and R. York, "Design and development of an electron recirculator for study of high current beam dynamics," Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, 1855 (1998)