Graduate Student(s)
Spring 2024 First Place - Fariba Islam
Second Place - Ravi Chepuri
Third Place - Niloy Acharjee
Prof. Edo Waks
Prof. Michelle Girvan
Prof. Gary Rubloff
Fall 2023 First Place - Nishchal Tripathi
Second Place - Victoria Castagna Ferrari
Third Place - Jonathan Thomas Kappel
Prof. Howard Milchberg
Prof. Gary Rubloff
Dr. Matt Landreman
Spring 2023 First Place - Victoria Ferrari
Second Place - Elaine Jaross
Third Place - Manh Le
Prof. Gary W. Rubloff
Prof. Daniel Lathrop
Prof. Howard Milchberg
Fall 2022 First Place - Nicole Menkart
Second Place - Evan Dowling
Third Place - Andrew Goffin
Profs. Thomas Murphy and Rajarshi Roy
Profs. Thomas Murphy and Rajarshi Roy
Prof. Howard Milchberg
Spring 2022 Kyle Kuhn Prof. Thomas Antonsen
Prof. Brian Beaudoin
Fall 2021 Jaron Shrock
Landry Horimbere
Prof. Howard Milchberg
Prof. Daniel Lathrop
Spring 2021 No award given due to Covid  
Fall 2020 No award given due to Covid  
Spring 2020 Ruben Rojas Prof. Daniel Lathrop
Fall 2019 Kevin Palm Prof. Jeremy Munday
Spring 2019 Lisa Krayer
Artur Perevalov
Prof. Jeremy Munday
Prof. Daniel Lathrop
Fall 2018 Daniel Woodbury Prof. Howard Milchberg
Spring 2018 Elizabeth Tennyson
Joseph Hart
Prof. Marina Leite
Prof. Rajarshi Roy
Fall 2017 Daniel Woodbury
Elizabeth Paul
Prof. Howard Milchberg
Prof. William Dorland
Spring 2017 Kiersten Ruisard
Peter Megson
Res. Prof. Timothy Koeth
Prof. Daniel Lathrop
Fall 2016 Elizabeth Paul Prof. William Dorland
Spring 2016 Mehdi Jadidi Prof. Thomas Murphy
Fall 2015 Elizabeth Tennyson Asst. Prof. Marina Leite
Spring 2014 David Somers Prof. Jeremy Munday
Fall 2013 Nihal Jhajj
Kiersten Ruisard
Prof. Howard Milchberg
Res. Prof. Timothy Koeth
Spring 2013 Thomas Rensink Prof. Thomas Antonsen
Fall 2012 Mark Herrera Prof. Edward Ott
Spring 2012 Luke Johnson Prof Thomas Antonsen
Fall 2011 Shane Squires Prof. Michelle Girvan
Prof. Edward Ott
Fall 2010 Parag Banerjee
Tak Chu Li
Prof. Gary Rubloff
Prof. James Drake
Spring 2010 Chad Ropp Prof. Edo Waks
Fall 2009 Kevin Schoeffler Prof. James Drake
Spring 2009 Chad Ropp Prof. Edo Waks
Fall 2008 Matthew Paoletti Prof. Daniel Lathrop
Spring 2008 Eric Montgomery Prof. Patrick O'Shea
Fall 2007 Andrew York Prof. Howard Milchberg
Spring 2007 Anthony Franz Prof. Rajarshi Roy
Fall 2006 Matthew Paoletti Prof. Daniel Lathrop
Spring 2006 Masahiro Toiya Prof. Wolfgang Losert
Fall 2005 Nathan Moody Prof. Patrick O'Shea
Spring 2005 Elizabeth Rogers Prof. Rajarshi Roy
Fall 2004 Andrew Tillotsen Prof. William Dorland
Spring 2004 Woodrow Shew Prof. Daniel Lathrop
Fall 2003 Masahiro Toiya
Sarah Messer
Prof. Wolfgang Losert
Prof. Richard Ellis
