Our graduate students are affiliated with the Departments of Physics, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Geology, and Materials Science and Engineering.
Adnan, Farasatul
Research Graduate Assistant
1201W Energy Research Facility
Email: faradnan@umd.edu
Telephone: 301-405-4373
Advisor: Professor Thomas Antonsen
Google Scholar Account

Farasatul Adnan
Ahuja, Kunal
Research Graduate Assistant
0201 Energy Research Facility
Email: kahuja@umd.edu
Telephone: 301-405-0122
Advisor: Professor Gary Rubloff
Google Scholar Account

Kunal Ahuja
Arnold, Harry
Research Graduate Assistant
3356 A. V. Williams Bldg.
Email: harnold1@umd.edu
Telephone: 301-405-7936
Advisor: Professor James F. Drake
Harry Arnold is the recipient of the 2019 NASA Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST) award.

Harry Arnold
Buyukkaya, Mustafa Atabey
Research Graduate Assistant
1202A Energy Research Facility
Email: mabkaya@umd.edu
Telephone: 301-405-5010
Laboratory: Quantum Photonics Laboratory
Advisor: Professor Edo Waks
Google Scholar Account

Mustafa Atabey Buyukkaya
Barik, Sabyasachi
Research Graduate Assistant
1201A Energy Research Facility
Email: sbarik@umd.edu
Telephone: 301-405-5010
Laboratory: Quantum Photonics Laboratory
Advisor: Professor Edo Waks
Google Scholar Account

Sabyasachi Barik
Dai, Haoying
Research Graduate Assistant
1202B Energy Research Facility
Email: dhy@terpmail.umd.edu
Telephone: 301-405-0621
Laboratory: Photonic Systems Laboratory
Advisor: Associate Professor Yanne Chembo

Haoying Dai