Writing a Better Abstract

Thursday, October 25, 2018
11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
PSC 2136
Martha Heil
301 405 0876

Writing an engaging yet thorough abstract is not easy, but it is important. Journal editors judge, classify and assign your paper based on those few sentences you write.


This workshop will help you understand what editors are looking for in a good abstract. Also what they’re not looking for. I’ll guide you through what various editors need, and how to make it happen.


Bring an abstract or summary of a paper you are working on right now, or one you have worked on recently. The seminar will include two exercises. You will come away with a better understanding of how to organize an abstract for the journals you desire.




Bio: Martha Heil is the science communicator for the Maryland Nanocenter, two labs for creating and studying objects a thousand times smaller than a human hair. She is the editor for media and news for the Reports of the National Center for Science Education, She previously worked as news director at the Associations for Psychological Science and the American Bar Association; and as a managing editor for Inside Science News Service, a project of the American Institute of Physics. She has an MA from NYU’s Science and Environmental Reporting Program.

Audience: Public  Clark School  Graduate  Undergraduate  Faculty  Staff  Post-Docs  Alumni 

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