The Graduate Student Seminars for Spring 2024 will be held in Room 1207 Energy Research Facility at 12:00 p.m.

The winners of the Graduate Student Seminar Best Presentation Award for Spring 2024 were:

First Place - Fariba Islam, "High-Efficiency Single Photon Emission from a Silicon T-Center in a Nanobeam" (Advisor: Prof. Edo Waks)

Second Place - Ravi Chepuri, "Hybridizing Traditional and Next-Generation Reservoir Computing" (Advisor: Prof. Michelle Girvan)

Third Place - Niloy Acharjee, "Ge2SB2SE4Te (GSST) Phase Change Material Monolithic Platform for Integrated Photonics" (Advisor:  Prof. Gary Rubloff)

Past Winners of the IREAP Graduate Student Seminar Best Presentation Award


The mission of the IREAP Graduate Student Seminars is to give graduate students the opportunity to practice short presentations of their work. This is a stepping stone for preparing them for Ph.D. proposals, their thesis defense, or even conference presentations. It is a valuable skill for all professionals, and students should be eager to present their work.

Please arrive by 11:50 as the talks will begin promptly at 12:00 p.m.   All talks will be informal with an approximate duration of 20 minutes and an additional 10 minutes for questions.  There should not be any stress since there is no evaluation committee coming up with grilling questions. Everyone is welcome to be in the audience.

After the conclusion of each talk, graduate students in the audience will fairly rate the speaker on a scale of 1-5 for Technical Merit and on a scale of 1-5 for Presentation.  The total score will be averaged and the highest scoring speakers at the semester's end will receive a monetary prize for "Best Presentation."  

For additional information regarding the IREAP Graduate Student Seminar series, please contact
