News Story
Prof. Ed Ott to receive Richardson Medal (EGU) and Moser Award (SIAM)

Prof. Ed Ott (ECE/Physics/IREAP) has been selected to receive selective and prestigious awards from two different professional societies, in recognition of his decades-long career in nonlinear science and chaos theory.
The Richardson Medal, awarded by the European Geosciences Union is named in honor of Lewis Fry Richardson, a mathematician and physicist who pioneered the science of fractal theory and weather forecasting. Prof. Ott is being recognized for seminal work in the nonlinear science and data assimilation, which is now widely used for weather prediction. The next time you see or hear a meterologist talk about "computer models", keep in mind that the methods conceived and published by Prof. Ott as recently as 15 years ago have already been incorporated into the many of the leading meteorological models now in use worldwide. The award will be presented to Prof. Ott at the annual European Geosciences Meeting in April in Vienna, where he will give an address.
Published January 10, 2017