"The Effect of Pulse Duration on the Longitudinal Structure of Femtosecond Filaments"

by Andrew Goffin

Friday, November 4, 2022 -- 12:00 p.m.
Large Conference Room, 1207 Energy Research Facility

Advisor:  Professor Howard Milchberg

Femtosecond filamentation is the process of using a medium’s optical nonlinearities to generate long columns of high-intensity light and plasma from ultrashort, high-power laser pulses. Filaments have found application in many venues such as white light generation, fog clearing, and generation of air waveguiding structures. In this work, we study how changing the initial pulse duration of a filamenting pulse impacts the longitudinal structure of the filament in air due to the changing importance of different physical phenomena with new timescales. We show that longer pulse durations correlate with higher filament deposition into air and longer filaments, as well as the appearance and growth of longitudinal oscillations.

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