News Story
Farewell to Postdoc Researcher Lei Gao

CEEE bids a fond farewell to postdoctoral research associate Lei Gao, who recently started a new position at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tenn., working on heat pump projects for building and industrial applications.
Gao completed his Ph.D. studies in 2022 at the University of Maryland, under the guidance of CEEE Director Reinhard Radermacher and Co-Director Yunho Hwang, before moving onto a leadership role with the center as a postdoc researcher. He was an integral part of CEEE’s Consortium for Energy Efficiency and Heat Pumps, contributing to a variety of projects, including the center’s work on developing a saturation heat pump system designed to work effectively in cold climates.
“When I reflect on the past few years,” Gao says, “I feel quite lucky and proud to be a member of CEEE. Having the experience of growing together with the center is special and invaluable.I still remember the time Dr. Hwang helped with testing a fin tube heat exchanger until midnight, the very first refrigerant loop control box examined by Jan Muehlbauer and the time I designed and tested a miniaturized facility for testing propane at the Potomac building. I will miss the recurring advising meeting with Dr. Radermacher, for his wisdom and profound impact on me. I appreciate the support and encouragement from Dr. Vikrant and the friendship from all the members of this center. Special thanks to Dr. Hwang for his day-to-day mentoring and supervision.”
Best wishes to Lei as he starts his new journey!
Published July 10, 2024