News Story
Girvan, Losert, and Waks Named APS Fellows

Formal Citations (from left to right):
Michelle Girvan: For seminal contributions to the nonlinear and statistical physics of complex networks, including the characterization of network structures and dynamics, and interdisciplinary applications.
Nominated by: Topical Group on Statistical and Nonlinear Physics
Wolfgang Losert: For imaginative studies of complex living systems, and for numerous contributions to understanding dynamical properties of complex systems at the convergence of physics, materials science, and biology.
Nominated by: Division of Biological Physics
Edo Waks: For significantly advancing the field of quantum photonics and for developing new concepts to strongly interact solid-state quantum emitters with nanophotonic components.
Nominated by: Division of Laser Science
Professors Michelle Girvan, Wolfgang Losert, and Edo Waks have each been elected Fellows in the American Physical Society in recognition of their exceptional contributions to the field of Physics. The new fellows will be formally recognized at one of this year's annual APS meetings.
APS fellows are nominated through their respective topical groups, and the number of APS Fellows is limited to no more than one half of one percent of the total membership.
Congratulations to each of these Professors for this well-deserved recognition. Thank you for your continued and sustained contribution to our research and reputation of IREAP.
Published October 12, 2017