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IREAP Class of 2013

Photo: University of Maryland
Ph.D. Degrees
- Caitlin Williams (Physics), "Optoelectronic Experiments on Random Bit Generators and Coupled Dynamical Systems," Advisors: Professors Rajarshi Roy and Thomas Murphy
- Taek Il Oh (ECE), "Intense Terahertz Generation via Two-Color Laser Filamentation," Advisor: Assistant Professor Kiyong Kim
- John Platig (Physics), "Making Predictions and Handling Errors in Reconstructed Biological Networks," Advisor: Associate Professor Michelle Girvan
- Meghan Driscoll (Physics), "Amoeboid Shape Dynamics on Flat and Topographically Modified Surfaces," Advisor: Associate Professor Wolfgang Losert
- Gilad Barlev (Physics), "Synchronization of Network-Coupled Chaotic and Oscillatory Dynamical Systems," Advisor: Professor Edward Ott
- Wai Shing Lee (ECE), "The Effects of Coupling Delay and Amplitude/Phase Interaction on Large Coupled Oscillator Networks," Advisor: Professor Edward Ott
- Chad Ropp (ECE), "Nanoscale Manipulation, Probing, and Assembly Using Microfluidic Flow Control," Advisor: Associate Professor Edo Waks
- Karl Schmitt (Physics), "Network Algorithms for Complex Systems with Applications to Nonlinear Oscillators and Genome Assembly," Advisor: Assistant Professor Michelle Girvan
- Myung Park (ECE), "Chaotic Oscillations in CMOS-Integrated Circuits," Advisors: Dr. John Rodgers and Professor Daniel Lathrop
- Remington Reid (Physics), "Microwave Emission and Electron Temperature in the Maryland Centrifugal Experiment," Advisor: Professor Richard Ellis
- Ching Pui Hung (Physics), "Stabilization of MHD Turbulence by Applied Steady and Oscillating Velocity Shear," Advisor: Professor Adil Hassam
- Zhigang Pan (ECE), "Modeling the Resupply, Diffusion, and Evaporation of Cesium on the Surface of Controlled Porosity Dispenser Photocathodes," Advisor: Professor Patrick O'Shea
- Mark Herrera (Physics), "Complex Flows in Granular and Quantum Systems," Advisor: Professor Edward Ott
- Jupiter Bagaipo (Physics), "Nonlinear Interchange Modes near Marginal Stability," Advisor: Professor Adil Hassam
Masters Degrees
- Shilpi Gupta (ECE), Advisor: Associate Professor Edo Waks
- Kamal Poor Rezaei (ECE), "Transverse Control of Beams with Space Charge in a Ring," Advisor: Professor Patrick O'Shea and Research Professor Rami Kishek
- Ruifeng Pu (ECE), "Near-THz Gyrotron: Theory, Design, and Applications," Advisor: Professor Victor Granatstein
- Luke Johnson (Physics), "Electron Acceleration via Chaotic Heating in Two Counter-Propagating Electromagnetic Waves," Advisor: Professor Thomas Antonsen
Published July 1, 2013